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Chapter 216 Goodbye Chen Qian

Shen Ganlan nodded, and the two walked into the gate of the farm base side by side.

She came under the thick high wall, and when she looked up again, she could still find a few more dense circles of barbed wire than when she left before, and a few pairs of dead fish-like dull and numb eyes were exposed behind the barbed wire , staring at them motionless. That's when human beings can no longer see hope, they will show such dejected eyes, as if there is no vitality in them like a zombie.

Shen Ganlan heard Fang Li's soft murmur from behind: "This really doesn't look like a survivor's base..."

Yin Hua took the second half of her sentence and said in a heavy tone: "It's more like a prison. Shen

Ganlan glanced sideways at Sun Zongwu when she heard the words, and saw a particularly bitter smile on Big Brother Sun's face.

It wasn't like this when they left, at least even the Spring Lake base, which was rebuilt from a real prison, was full of vitality, not as lifeless as it is now.

Sun Zongwu walked forward alone with a sullen face and knocked on the gate of the high wall of the farm base.

"Open the door. I'm Sun Zongwu. I'm going to tell Brother Yu that I want to see him." Sun Zongwu's voice resounded loudly, piercing through the thick city wall and drifting away.

But everyone waited for a long time, but they couldn't hear any sound of opening the door from inside.

Shen Ganlan and Sun Zongwu glanced at each other: "Let's do it."

The rest of the people also nodded, so Xu Dongpeng's earth-type abilities and high walls under his command at the beginning of the first level are naturally not these abilities whose overall strength is above the second level the opponent. Soon, a large circular hole appeared in front of everyone.

Sun Zongwu's face became darker and darker. Seeing that the guy who was peeping at them from behind the barbed wire ran away screaming after seeing their strength, he snorted coldly and followed them.

Everyone filed in through the big hole, and arrived at the wide square in the previous farm base within a few steps, but the scene in front of them shocked everyone in an instant.

In the khaki-yellow open space, a group of thin, yellow-faced men surrounded several naked women with shriveled bodies. Their eyes showed figures like hungry wolves, staring at the woman kneeling on the ground and gulping their saliva, but Shen Ganlan could tell from their hungry eyes that the look in those eyes was definitely not erotic or lewd As if they

didn't hear the sound of Shen Ganlan and the others coming in, the group of men didn't turn their heads back, just staring at the naked women in a daze. . The leader was a man with disheveled hair, a bloated figure, and a creamy face. Looking at the profile, Shen Ganlan took a few glances. This time, he recognized that the man was the sinister and vicious brother Yu before, but at this moment, how could that man be as before? What is left is only a skeleton without a soul.

Just as she was wondering, Shen Ganlan saw at this moment that two men with the same naked upper body carried a woman into the crowd. The woman seemed to be thrown on the ground by the two men unconsciously, and slowly moved from the other side. The liquid flowing on the ground on the surface of the body is likely to be the blood in the woman's body. Probably wanting to gain some light and warmth, the two men started a bonfire after they lowered their bodies and busied themselves around for a while. With the help of the blazing fire, Shen Ganlan finally saw the woman lying on the ground clearly. There was no trace of life in her eyes, and her pale eyes had already bulged out of their sockets. Obviously, this is a person who has been dead for a long time.

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