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Chapter 196 Cheating, kill!

After a while, people arrived one after another, and the dinner finally started. It's just that the dinner at the Taicang base is much worse than the three Shen Ganlan participated in at the Lingnan base, let alone the famous Mo Dong dinner, because Shen Yuyi hastily prepared to deal with Mo Dong's treat. The dance party that wins people's hearts is also much worse. Not only can you not see all kinds of desserts and drinks that you have eaten in the Lingnan base before at the dinner party, but even the food on the table is much more monotonous and simple, but some of the most common coarse grains such as sweet potatoes and corn, and the drinks are only Several bottles of clean water are placed on the table for people to take.

This kind of food is not even comparable to the daily food and treatment of Team Hope. Shen Ganlan and the others naturally look down on these things, so they don't go to the front of the stage to eat the food like ordinary people, but just stand far away and accompany Dad Mom whispered.

On the other side, it was Qiu Ming who was entangled with Yin Hua. Yin Hua originally talked with Zhou Shuhui and the other women standing together, but later Qiu Ming always appeared in front of these women intentionally or unintentionally. , but still extremely aware of the face. They really hope that a woman as good as Yin Hua can get rid of the harm that Xu Zhao caused her as soon as possible. Even if they have some doubts about Qiu Ming who suddenly appeared in their hearts, it is good to let Yin Hua play with him. Knowing about Yin Hua, ever since she knew Xu Zhao's true face, Yin Hua might not be so easy to fall in love with men, so she felt relieved to let Yin Hua get in touch with that Qiu Ming. Although Qiu Ming has a pair of peach blossom eyes, at least he looks good in everything. As for Yang Liu, he was even more ruthless, thinking of recruiting a duck for free for Yin Hua, to comfort the hurt he had suffered on Xu Zhao before, anyway, he was also the kind of bitch who likes to step on several boats with one foot. Just play it.

So without knowing it, Yin Hua was sold out by a few good sisters in her team, leaving her alone to deal with Qiu Ming who was circling around her like a fly in the venue, but there was no way to escape.

Yin Hua was originally kind-hearted, even though she had been taught and hurt many times before, and although she no longer trusted others easily in her heart, she was still not used to acting cruelly to a man she met by chance, so He had no choice but to let Qiu Ming stay by his side, even if he couldn't shake him off. She had no choice but to learn Yang Liu's possession skills, and automatically changed the original smiling face that made people feel refreshed into Yang Liu's iceberg mode, but she still couldn't stop Qiu Ming's passionate pursuit.

But in this way, Yin Hua unknowingly suffered the eyes of many people. Qiu Ming used to have many acquaintances in the Taicang base. These women were rare female supernatural beings in the base, or someone in the family served in the government military department of the base. At this moment, anyone who has some dignity is invited to welcome tonight At the banquet. Since ancient times, invitations to banquets under various names have always required young and beautiful women to enliven the atmosphere, but now life in the Taicang base is extremely difficult, and those who can come are either fathers and brothers or have some skills themselves, or rely on outstanding talents. Their appearances are as attractive as their appearance, but several of them have had a relationship with Qiu Ming.

They didn't know Yin Hua's identity, and when they saw the man who was used to talking sweetly to them before, he didn't even look at themselves tonight, and concentrated on surrounding a fat woman to meet her, and they immediately felt unhappy. Gradually, a knife appeared in Yin Hua's gaze. Finally, a woman couldn't bear it, and after being instigated by a few sisters around her, she decided to come forward and ask Yin Hua about it.

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