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Chapter 51: The Nucleus of Mutant Beasts

Chapter Fifty-One Mutant Beast's Crystal Nucleus

After an unknown amount of time, Shen Ganlan finally woke up from the coma. It's okay if you don't wake up, but when you wake up, you will find that your body is in severe pain. I'm afraid that many places have broken bones. And the right arm that was injured the most was just a hand that lost consciousness due to the centipede's toxin, but now, Shen Ganlan was horrified to find that half of her body was numb, without any feeling. Shen Ganlan, who gradually woke up, was facing

herself One side of his body was in pain but the other side felt nothing, his nose was sore, and the tears that he had endured for many days finally flowed down again.

Mom, Dad, where are you? Why don't you come to me? I want my mother, I want my father

Shen Ganlan cried while taking out the medicine that he searched for from the pharmacy that night from his portable space. She is not a medical student, and now she only knows that her life and death are hanging by a thread, or she can survive if she can survive, or she can stay with Feng Yuan, Rong Ben, and Rong Dan if she can't survive.

So no matter what heat-clearing and detoxifying tablets or anti-inflammatory painkillers I took out from my portable space, according to Shen Ganlan's thinking, whether my body has mutated or not, it depends on whether I can resist it. She was lucky, and the medicines she found in the pharmacy included Liushen Pills, Houttuynia cordata and Jidesheng Snake Tablets specially for poisonous insect bites. According to the ointment instruction manual, Shen Ganlan cut her arm cruelly again, bleeding half a bowl of black blood, then rinsed the wound with baking soda water, and finally washed the detoxifying Houttuynia cordata, Liushen Pills, and Shenshe slices with heat-clearing effects were mashed and applied to the wound, and tied with a hemostatic bandage, and then he let out a long breath.

Now we can only resign ourselves to fate. Shen Ganlan collapsed on the ground weakly, she had already done what she could do, she wiped the tears streaming down her face. I don't know if these ointments that are effective for ordinary centipedes will have any effect on the bitten part of the mutated centipede. Now I can only think that my body has also evolved through mutation, or I can survive this time relying on this.

Shen Ganlan let her body fall to the ground casually, looking at the gray sky, she thought, if another mutated animal appeared now, she would definitely die, let alone a mutated animal or a zombie It killed her, God knows that now I don't even have the strength to lift a little finger.

But fortunately, Shen Ganlan was lucky. When the mutated centipede appeared just now, it had already cleaned up the zombies around here. The mutated Tibetan mastiff that came later was also powerful even among mutated animals. Now the smell of these two mutated animals remains near this area, and many small mutated animals passing by here smell this strong body position, and will not dare to come because of their natural fear of the strong.

Therefore, Shen Kalan lay there in a daze for a long time, but he did not encounter a mutant animal or zombie. After all, she used to put a lot of odds and ends in her portable space based on the belief of being prepared for any danger, but now many of them are also in use. After lying like this for a whole day, Shen Ganlan finally gathered enough strength to get up staggeringly. Her legs and feet were weak, and she knew it was because the bloodletting just now was due to excessive blood loss, so she took out the blood from the portable space again. I ate a few donkey-hide gelatin capsules harvested at the pharmacy every day with mineral water.

The Hummer that was accidentally received that day was also taken out. Now she doesn't have the energy to drive, and the other half of her body is broken because of Rong Dan's sneak attack, and she hurts badly when she moves, but seeing that it's getting dark, even though Shen Ganlan can't drive, she still struggles to climb into the car, Find a comfortable position on the rear seat and lie down. She is not so courageous, daring to lie alone in the wilderness at night after the end of the world.

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