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Chapter 156 Discovering Yang Liu

When Shen Ganlan and others arrived, they saw Lu Dayou and Zhou Shuhui's gloomy faces, coupled with the dim light in the cave, they looked even more obscure. Even Lei Peng, who has experienced many battles, couldn't help but groan when faced with this situation.

On the contrary, Shen Ganlan had already made the worst plan before, but asked calmly and calmly: "Where did Yang Liu fall from?"

Zhou Shuhui shot a fire with one hand, and the fire ignited around everyone, like a cluster of torches At least it illuminates the landscape around them, so that people can't see clearly in the dark. When Shen Ganlan noticed that the fire in Zhou Shuhui's hand was on, the vines that were hanging on the ground and gradually approaching them seemed to be frightened, and retreated to the surroundings in a panic.

There was a sneer at the corner of Shen Kalan's mouth, there was indeed something wrong with the plants here. It's just that she now has Yang Liu who was taken away by the whirlpool in her heart, and she didn't pay attention to these mutated plants. Just now there were two people, Zhou Shuhui and Lu Da, and these plants didn't do anything to them. Now with the addition of Lei Peng, Yin Hua, and the unpredictable Zhen Hanzi, I can safely transform into the water and dive into the water check it out.

So Shen Ganlan followed the direction of the flame in Zhou Shuhui's hand, and had vaguely seen the way to go. She nodded to everyone, went to one side and took off her coat, handed it to Yin Hua for safekeeping, then she only put on her close-fitting clothes and slowly descended into the water, then turned around with her thoughts and turned into a puddle of flowing water to meet the cave. The underground undercurrent poured in together.

Shen Ganlan flowed into the whirlpool along the water, and then looked back at the direction where Zhou Shuhui and the others were standing. After being washed down by the vortex to the ground of the undercurrent, he dizzily followed the impact of the water and turned several corners, finally he could no longer look down on the little lights that radiated from where Zhou Shuhui and the others were standing.

Shen Ganlan only felt that the darkness in front of her eyes was gradually getting darker, but fortunately, her body had completely turned into a water shape, blending into the surroundings unsteadily, and it was not uncomfortable. Her telepathic ability can continue to contact Zhou Shuhui and others anyway, so she doesn't panic.

But when he tried to call Yang Liu, he couldn't wait for a reply. Shen Ganlan didn't know well, she didn't know if Yang Liu passed out again, or was completely hopeless, so she didn't answer her call. But she tried hard to control herself not to think about the worst outcome, but tried to look forward, looking for a trace of Yang Liu.

However, no matter how carefully Shen Ganlan stared, it was difficult to find Yang Liu's half trace in the darkness. On the contrary, she gradually slowed down along the water flow, as if she had passed the gap with huge impact and fluctuations, and the terrain gradually stabilized. At this moment, she only felt some faint light suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, which seemed to be the strange light in the cave that Zhou Shuhui had mentioned before.

At this moment, the water was not in a hurry, and the stream of water formed by Shen Ganlan suddenly exerted force, breaking away from the undercurrent that had been leading her forward before, and swimming directly towards the bright light cautiously.

The glowing object appears to be in a deeper hole. Shen Ganlan poked through the hole, but she couldn't help being dumbfounded by everything in front of her eyes.

Shen Ganlan slowly swam closer to this weird cave, and what appeared in front of her was a strangely shaped statue, and the light she saw before was actually emanating from this statue.

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