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Chapter Eighty-One: The Crystal Bracelet Is Missing

At the moment when she fainted from the pain, Zhou Shuhui was even a little happy to finally be relieved.

But no, after an unknown amount of time, she still woke up. It's just that the genius had just begun to light up when he passed out, and even the night had become hazy when he woke up.

Zhou Shuhui secretly exclaimed that she was lucky, she had been in a coma for a long time, and there was no zombie or mutant beast passing by, otherwise, even if she evolved a supernatural ability, she would have no life to enjoy, and would have died early.

By the way, I don't know what my abilities are, she thought eagerly, even ignoring the three dead people who had been lying on the ground for most of the day.

Following Shen Ganlan's appearance, she waved her hands. Zhou Shuhui didn't dare to blink her eyes, didn't she? Is there nothing?

Her figure swayed, God, after making her suffer so much, are you kidding me?

Reluctantly, she raised her wrist again, and waved it towards the floor in front of her with sufficient momentum...

This time she saw a ball of flames gushing out with her own eyes. It is actually a bit exaggerated to say that it is Lie Yan, and the power of Sun Zongwu's fire ability is basically one in the sky and the other on the ground, but this scene falls in the eyes of Zhou Shuhui, who has been hoping that she will have the ability for many days. A little flame is enough to make her feel shocking,

I finally have a

supernatural power Zhou Shuhui yelled very unladylike, and even regretted why no one can share this happiness with her at this moment

Zhou Shuhui went to that Beside the dead earth-type superhumans and power-type superhumans, he cut open their heads with a dagger he carried before, took out the two crystal nuclei inside, and then held the two crystal nuclei, looking at The direction of Lingnan Base City, that is the direction they left, their eyes were burning. She no longer hesitated, and the previous submissive look in her eyes was gone, replaced by complacency and confidence in the future.

Shen Ganlan, you must wait for me to come to you

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I am a gorgeous dividing line~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Shen Kalan woke up from her sleep, and the car was still driving slowly. This is very good, which means that the trip was safe, and they are getting closer to Lingnan Base City. Just now, the driver, Master Xie, said that if everything goes well, they can reach Lingnan Base City in two days.

Yin Hua also fell into a deep sleep with her head leaning against the car window. The few of them with supernatural powers didn't sleep well yesterday. Especially Sister Yin and herself, they didn't sleep at all during the night watch before, and then something happened, and they dealt with it for most of the night, and it was not done until early morning. It can be said that they almost didn't sleep all night.

Sister Yin seemed to take care of her sleeping position, and couldn't bear to wake her up, and even kept her previous position. Lost a sister Zhou, but it seems good to get Yin Hua as a friend. It's just that when thinking of Zhou Shuhui, Shen Ganlan's heart still can't help feeling bored. She tried to cheer herself up and think of something happy and positive.

Well, the cooperation with Yin Hua seems to be better than I imagined. When she was fighting with He Laoqi, she secretly glanced at Yin Hua's fight with that earth-type superhuman. As expected of an earth-type supernatural being known as the strongest defense, it's just a pity that he ran into a wood-type supernatural being who was just able to restrain him. Shen Ganlan had visually observed that the earth shield controlled by the earth-type supernatural user was abnormally strong, and estimated that her water blade could only leave a few marks on it, and she couldn't even split it directly. She couldn't help feeling a little thankful that when she met Xu Dongpeng that day, she shot him quickly, and killed him with one blow before he had time to react and produce a soil shield. However, the vines produced by Yin Hua's wood-type ability can easily pass through the earth shield, and then directly interfere with the earth-type ability user hiding behind the earth shield. Shen Ganlan took a fancy to this, that's why she had the confidence to attack suddenly when she was halfway through the fight with He Laoqi, and cooperated with Yin Hua to kill the earth-type superhuman.

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