Chapter 81: The Lychee Grove Earth Court

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"Ah, very good," said the Lady of the Lychee Tree.

Her voice was as soft and uninflected as a wind through an orchard, and it reminded me of the Lady of the Gingko Tree. She'd been another of Cassius' courtiers, one of the most graceful women I'd met. Her every gesture had painted a scene of golden leaves fluttering down a crisp autumn sky. Cassius had loved to watch her dance.

I hadn't thought about her in ages. I wondered what happened to her, after the dynasty collapsed and the court scattered. I both could and could not see her ruling over an Earth Court like this.

Huh. That statement...really hadn't said much, had it? I cocked my head to a side, considering.

Meanwhile, this tree spirit was lifting a hand, lychee white and translucent. One of her ladies-in-waiting, a spirit whose gown was iridescent blue and streaked with black like butterfly wings, accepted the lacquer tray from the Steward. She proffered it to her mistress, who examined the size, shape, color, and texture of each fruit in turn. Then a second butterfly lady-in-waiting peeled them, letting none of the juices drip off her fingertips.

Ah, truly the Lychee Grove Earth Court was a place that observed proper protocol!

As the Lady sampled one fruit of each type, expressions flitted across her face like sunlight through leaves. At the end, she breathed a long sigh. "As always, regardless of how much time and effort my farmers devote to developing new varieties, the Enchantress' Smile hath still won."

Another butterfly spirit, this one in the form of a human man, had been standing behind her during the tasting process. Now he stepped forward and spoke for the first time. "My lady, would it not be wise to send the Queen at least one of the new varieties, lest the farmers lose heart?"

The Lady cast an affectionate, regretful glance over the uneaten fruit. "No, I am afraid that these little ones simply are not ready yet. Wouldst thou send a half-trained girl-child to serve the Queen?"

Her adviser, however, didn't give up. "My lady, every year that you reject the new varieties and send only the Enchantress' Smile as tribute, you reinforce the idea that only the old ways will do. I fear that, in the long run, this practice will stifle innovation – "

A new voice, strident and abrasive, shattered the peace of the garden. "Oh, nonsense, Ancemus! Art thou even listening to thyself? How canst thou advise thy Lady to send subpar gifts to Her Majesty? Thou dost insult them both!"

I knew that voice. Oh, I knew that voice. It raised all the feathers on my back, the way it used to raise every single fur on my tails.

A second later, into the pavilion charged the most annoying spirit in Serica. She was mostly shaped like a human female, but her appearance was deformed by two round ears that ruined her over-complicated updo, and by a fat, coarse-haired, dirty-grey tail that stuck out the back of her dress.

A horde of hangers-on barged in after her. Because of course she had to bring her own peanut gallery wherever she went.

At the sight of the raccoon dog spirit, the Lady of the Lychee Tree's adviser stiffened but refused to retreat. Good for him. A butterfly with a backbone.

"My lady Anthea," he bit out. "I was not aware that you had arrived." His tone suggested that he appreciated her presence about as much as I did.

Truly, the Lady of the Lychee Tree appointed wise, discerning advisers! It boded well for the future of her fief.

"Well, obviously!" Anthea gave a careless wave of her hand. Oversized rings weighed down every finger, including her thumb, and way too many jade bangles in clashing colors jangled around her wrist. "I meant for my visit to be a surprise. It wouldn't be a surprise now, would it, if thou knew'st that I was coming?"

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