Chapter 55: Not Quite the Sulkiest Meeting

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After that, it was time to induct Floridiana and Boot into Mission: Improve Taila's Life. Since Stripey was still loitering on the roof, I invited him in, and he flapped through the window with choppy strokes. If he were angry that I hadn't told him my true identity earlier, he had no one to blame but himself. He was the one who'd said that he didn't need to know my whole life story, or even the details of my mission.

Unsurprisingly, Flicker declined to stay. He mumbled something about apologizing to the Superintendent and dissolved into golden motes, looking as if he were the one who'd violated an oath and were facing the ultimate punishment.

So the rest of us sat down on or around the table, with Mistress Jek to my right, Stripey to my left, and Boot and Floridiana across from me so I could monitor their body language. Mistress Jek kept cringing away from me and twisting her fingers in her lap.

Surveying them, I thought that I'd have to get the Dragon King of Caltrop Pond to attend too next time. His hungover state was all that I needed to complete the sullen atmosphere.

As the head of this taskforce, I opened the meeting. As you all know, our mission is to improve Jek Taila's life. There are three lines of attack.

My word choice made the others wince in a most satisfying manner.

First, we must protect her from anyone or anything that might cause her harm.

Here I narrowed my eyes at Boot and Floridiana, reminding them that part of "protecting" included keeping Taila's existence a secret from their master.

Boot tipped her head to a side. Floridiana looked less like she was coming up with ways to protect Taila and more like she was contriving ways to wriggle out of her oath. Good luck.

"My organization has already been engaged in protecting Taila." Stripey shook off his grumpiness long enough to claim credit for the duck demons' actions. "We have kept her secret, and we have investigated potential threats to her wellbeing." He gave Boot a pointed look.

She shot back a hate-filled glare.

As I recalled from my Prime Minister days, properly-calibrated competition between cabinet members served as excellent motivation. Yes, you have indeed, and the goddess and I appreciate your efforts, I praised Stripey. You have also contributed greatly to the second part of our mission, which is to improve Taila's living conditions. It is thanks to you that she and her family survived the winter.

(Well, early spring, more like, but winter sounded more poetic.)

"We'd all have starved to death if it weren't for you, Stripey," Mistress Jek put in, her gratitude overcoming her terror for a moment. "Thank you so, so much. We can never repay you for what you did."

The bandit preened.

Boot glared harder.

The final part of our mission is to guide Jek Taila to the best future possible. To that end, I have already tasked the Dragon King of Caltrop Pond with brainstorming ideas, but the more minds working together, the better.

I checked on Floridiana again. The mage still looked as if her mind were focused on her own plight instead of Taila's. This would never do.

Floridiana! I snapped.

She flinched.

Since I am certain that such is your zeal that you have been exploring ideas for fulfilling our mission instead of listening to me, pray share your thoughts with the rest of us.

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