Chapter 94: Geography Tests

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After that, there was no reason to hide from the rest of the Jeks. Even if Nailus could have kept a secret, Taila certainly could not have, and Bobo would have given it away simply by trying her hardest not to. So, at the end of the afternoon, the four of us trooped back to Honeysuckle Croft – to find Mistress Jek waiting at the gate with her hands on her hips.

Ah, the memories. Riding on a loop of Bobo's coils, I sighed in contentment.


Yep, and there was the volume I remembered.

Mistress Jek scowled ferociously at Bobo, who shrank back. "WHERE DID THEY GET TO THIS TIME?"

Before Bobo could answer, Taila pattered up to her mother, twirled, and waved an arm at me. In the gesture, I could see echoes of the graceful dance motions I'd once drilled into her. "Mama, Mama, Mr. Turtle's back!"

Mistress Jek only glanced at me before redirecting her glare to her daughter. "That is NOT a turtle, Taila. How many times do I need to tell you to STOP making things up?"

Uncowed, Taila clenched both fists. "I'm not making things up! Mr. Turtle is Mr. Sparrow now!"

Before she could get into even more trouble, I confirmed, Yes, it is I. I have returned.

Mistress Jek's reaction was not exactly one of joyous welcome.

She gasped, grabbed Taila's shoulders, and thrust the girl behind her. Then she reached out, seized Nailus' arm, and was about to do the same with him when I protested, What? I'm not going to eat them! I thought we went through all that already!

Mistress Jek finished shoving her son behind her back and clenched her fists, the exact same way Taila had, ready for battle. Over what, I could not imagine.

Landing on Bobo's head, I peered down into her eyes, but her upside-down face looked bewildered. I cocked my head to a side.

What's going on? Is there a threat I'm not aware of?

"Yes, there's a THREAT! 'Those whom the gods love, die young.' What does Heaven want with my family NOW?"

Ooooh, was that it? Mistress Jek thought that some god or goddess had decided to meddle in their lives again? I did agree with that saying, although I'd personally have amended it to: "Those whom the gods touch, die young."

Or before their time, anyway. Grrr.

I waved my wings in a placating gesture. No, no, this is not an official visit. I just wanted to check up on everyone, see how all of you are doing.

Although Mistress Jek didn't relax, she did let the children poke their heads out to watch our showdown. "Why? Why now? Why not earlier? D'you know – she cried her eyes out when those idiot monkeys said you got eaten!"

At the memory, Taila's mouth started to open in a howl.

"But ssshe wasssn't!" Bobo slithered forward hastily. "Taila! Lisssten to me! The Heavenly Messsenger was right. Rosssie jussst went back to Heaven!"

(Well, actually, all of them were right, but now didn't seem to be the time to go into detail about my ignominious death and reincarnation. Plural.)

Folding her work-muscled arms across her aproned chest, Mistress Jek gave me a long, hard look. "So I ask you again: Why are you back now?"

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