Chapter 47: Afternoon in the Caltrop Pond Water Court

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"Come again?!"

The Dragon King of Caltrop Pond glanced at the courtiers to his right, who nodded back, and at the ones to his left, who shrugged their long forms side-to-side. Yes, their body language confirmed, you heard that right.

He cocked his head at me, requesting an explanation.

I couldn't blame him. If you weren't privy to all the convoluted details, it did sound preposterous.

I know it seems – exaggerated? Melodramatic? Insultingly farfetched? – but this is no ordinary child. Her soul is – intelligent and lively and mischievous – incredibly unlucky, and her incarnations have died young life after life.

The dragon's eyes were popping out of his skull. "Rosie, what did you do to get assigned this kind of job?!"

Too much to tell him everything before the party, that was for sure.

It's a long story. Regardless, a compassionate goddess has taken an interest in this soul and tasked me with shepherding it to achieve its full potential.

"Huh. A goddess, huh?" He blinked, running through his mental list of goddesses who were both compassionate and fond of small children. With a roll of his eyes, he dismissed the vagaries of the Heavenly court. "Whew. Wow. Tough luck, Rosie. Kids are the worst. All those...tantrums." He shuddered.

Yes, indeed. All those tantrums. I shuddered too.

"Anyway, what'd you want my help with? Please don't tell me it's babysitting. You wouldn't catch me DEAD babysitting. I am not a kid person."

Yeah, well, it wasn't like I was a huge fan of them either. Sometimes you just had to grin, grit your teeth, and babysit them anyway.

Oh, no, don't worry, I have the childcare end covered. But her family has fallen on hard times, and I was wondering if you could help there.

At the mention of "hard times," the dragon shot up. "What sort of help? Caltrop Pond isn't a wealthy fief. If you're looking for financial or natural resources, Black Sand Creek has far greater – "

I didn't mean actual coin, I reassured him, even though I had been hoping that he'd open his treasury. He could have been a backup lender for the next Settling Day, in case Stripey got mad at me again and flounced off. I was thinking more along the lines of recruiting and interviewing tutors in advanced subjects, using your connections to open up apprenticeship opportunities, that sort of thing.

Now that he knew he wasn't getting saddled with screaming children or requests for money, the dragon grew generous. He lounged back against his throne and mused, "Oh, hmm, that's a good idea. I'll have to think about the apprenticeship thing, but finding tutors should be easy. How old is the kid?" As an afterthought, he followed up with, "What's her name, anyway?"

She's four years old. At least, she had been when I reincarnated. She was probably closer to five now, although I'd never considering learning her birthday until right this moment. I made a mental note to ask Mistress Jek the next time I remembered. Her name is Jek Taila.

The name's effect on the dragon king and his courtiers was instantaneous. Both lines of snakes went stiff as flagpoles.

"Jek Taila?" exclaimed the dragon. "You're mixed up with the Jeks?! Oh, but you're friends with Bobo, so of course you are." He clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Oof. Tough luck, Rosie."

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