Chapter 101: My New Entourage

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"The Queen's uncle?" cried Lodia. "But why? What have we done wrong? What reason have we given him to attack us?"

Seeing her father's face set into the grim lines, she gasped. Then she choked out her next question.

"'Tis not because of Mother – is it?"

"No," answered Missa and Rohanus, swiftly and in unison.

They exchanged a glance that I couldn't read before Missa returned her attention to the map, signaling for her son to deal with his daughter.

"Loddie dear, there's a lot more going on in the kingdom than someone feeling hurt and betrayed by her friend." Although Rohanus' tone was mild, it held a hint of reproof.

As well it should.

The daughter and granddaughter of important Earth Court officials was in a prime position to track the broader political picture – a much better position than, say, Katu's, and he managed to keep abreast of developments at court.

While Lodia was busy shriveling up and curling in on herself (not literally – she was a human, after all), Missa swept towards the stairs. "Rohanus, go to the Earth Court and warn Ancemus that there may be a situation in the forest. Tell him not to wake the Lady yet. I shall verify it myself first."

Wait – "verify" the situation? When I'd already told her everything she needed to know? What further verification could she possibly need?

Puffing up my feathers, I snapped from Lodia's shoulder, You're wasting time. You already know all the relevant information.

The mage spared a single glance in my direction, so full of contempt that I actually lost my train of thought.

Her son, however, dared take a step after her. "Wait, Mother! At least take someone with you. Just in case...."

Without looking back at him, she echoed my words. "Thou'rt wasting time. Tell Ancemus I shall join you at the Earth Court."

Forgotten by the adults, Lodia had been twisting her fingers and digging her nails into her palms. All of a sudden, she blurted out, "Grandmother! At least take Pip with you!"

Somehow, it was her words, and not mine or Rohanus', that stopped Missa on the top step.

At her grandmother's raised eyebrows, Lodia started twirling her nightgown around her finger. "Pip – Pip can guide you. She knows – she knows where to go – because she's the one who saw – the army."

Missa's eyebrows lifted even higher. "Still so trusting, Lodia? I would sooner go alone than be stabbed in the back by a proven liar."

What? She was still hung up on that whole normal pet sparrow business?

If you don't trust me, why are you going to the forest at all? Why are you having Rohanus warn the Earth Court?

"Because," answered the mage, "your claims dovetail with certain reports we've been receiving, enough so that they are worth investigation."

So that meant she hadn't leaped into action because of what I'd seen, but because my story was the final...stitch in a piece of embroidery?

Or rather, her personal confirmation would be the final stitch. Given how angry she'd been when she threw me out, I supposed it shouldn't have surprised me. But what did surprise me was how urgently I wanted her to trust me.

That is what I saw! You have to believe me!

"I did believe you last time." Unspoken were the words, And look what happened then. "At the moment, I am giving you one chance to redeem yourself. One. Now, I believe I told you that I wanted you out of my house."

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