Chapter 128: Invented Theology

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"Right now?" Lodia's voice came out as a barely comprehensible squeak.

Unfortunately, yes, I told her.

"Oh, but I – I don't – I can't – " The girl was twisting her fingers into one another and wringing her hands again, just like she always did when confronted by the existence of an outside world.

This wouldn't do. I needed the Lodia I'd seen the night of the Battle of Lychee Grove, the one who pulled herself together in a crisis and acted. Now, how had I gotten her to do that again? Let's see....

I'd woken her up from a sound sleep. Then I'd told her that there was an army in the forest, poised to attack her home and kill everyone she loved. It really wasn't so different from our current situation.

Look, Lodia, an angry mob is converging on the palace.

She bit her lip, looked down at her fingers, and started fidgeting with the cuff of her sleeve. "I know.... Lady Anthea – she went assist Her Majesty. In managing the mob...."

Oh, was that what Anthea called panicking and running straight to me?

I know. She came to me for assistance.

To my everlasting gratification, Lodia's whole face lit up. Well, I had saved her hometown, after all.

I don't know if Anthea ever told you this, but the two of us used to live in the City of Dawn Song. We were there when the dynasty fell. (Sort of, anyway. I, at least, had stayed almost to the end.) So we've seen angry mobs before, and we can tell when one of them is...angry enough to threaten a government.

The girl's lips parted, but no sound came out, not even a strangled squeak.

But precisely because the two of us have seen this situation before, we are in a unique position to recognize it and reverse it. My plan is to use the Temple to pacify everyone.

"The Temple?" Lodia's voice quavered, but her eyes focused on me, and I could tell she was beginning to think logically. "How will you use the Temple to calm them down?"

She pointed at the window, through which we could hear the din of the mob. Based on the deep, dull, reverberating thuds, pangolin spirits were trying to beat down Anthea's gates too. But based on the way the gates held, she, too, had hired a mage to reinforce them.

As a matter of fact, I've already pacified the rioters around the Temple. We even invited them in for tea and cakes.

"For tea and cakes?"

I couldn't blame Lodia for her disbelief. Across the street, a wave of humans and spirits had engulfed a mansion and were howling for torches to burn it to the ground. Terrified servants were clinging to the roof and pleading for mercy.

Yep. For tea and cakes, I confirmed. The last missing piece now is for Katu to give his sermon, to inspire them.

(And also to entertain them and distract them from the issues that had triggered the riot in the first place. As one of the Imperial philosophers used to say all the time, "Rice and circuses, rice and circuses.")

For that, Katu's going to need to look the part of the High Priest, which means he needs his robes. They don't have to be perfect. They don't even have to be complete! They just have to look good enough from a distance. After things settle down, you can finish that gorgeous embroidery! I added when Lodia's face crumpled.

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