Chapter 103: Anthea's Seat of Power

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They sent me off alone, without so much as a flock of decoy sparrows to confuse the enemy. Perhaps I should have been offended at how expendable they seemed to deem me – okay, I was offended by how expendable they did deem me – but mostly I was relieved.

Because I had a stop to make before I left the city.

And it was far, far better to make it alone, out of sight of anyone who reported to the Earth Court.

Lodia! Lodia! Quick, I need your help!

"Pip? What are you doing here? What's going on?"

The girl was still up, sitting at the dining table with her sewing box open before her. She wasn't embroidering anything, though, just staring blankly at a skein of coral-pink floss.

Which was for the best, because that candle failed to illuminate the space anywhere near enough for fine work. Honestly, if I could have gotten her through the forest safely, I'd have dragged her along just to get her outdoors. Unfortunately, that was not an option – but she was going to travel with me in a metaphorical sense.

No time to explain. Quick, I need that mirror cover!

"The mirror cover? Which mirror cover?"

The one with the princess-of-the-night blossoms. I need it now.

"'Tisn't done! I haven't finished all the petals – "

Even as she protested, she lifted the top tray of her sewing box to reveal a familiar piece of fabric. Unfolding the pouch, she showed me the front. The design still had a pair of white flowers illuminated from behind by a full moon, but she'd reworked the curves of the petals so that they seemed to flutter in a night breeze.

That looks great! Roll it up and tie it to my back.

"I beg your pardon?! Why do you want it? What do you need it for? 'Tis not done!"

I didn't know what she was fretting over. The mirror cover looked perfectly done to me. It's good enough. It's beautiful, I added – which, coming from me, was powerful praise indeed.

However, Lodia's mouth set into those stubborn lines I'd seen just before she cut up her work last time. "No, no, that one needs to be redone. 'Tis too stiff, see?" With a fingertip, she traced the edge of one of the outermost, long, spiky petals.

I literally flung myself across the embroidery, spreading my wings to shield as much of it as I could. Lodia, I'm serious. We don't have time for your perfectionism. I need to leave for the royal court right now, and I need to take that mirror cover with me.

Unfortunately, that explanation failed to extract the speed and decisiveness with which she'd acted earlier.

"The royal court? What's going on? No one's telling me anything! All I know is that you rushed here saying the Earl of Black Crag brought his army – and Father went to the Earth Court and hasn't returned – and Grandmother went to the forest and hasn't returned – and I don't even know if they're all right – and no one will tell me anything!"

For the first time since I arrived, I took a good look at her face. In the light of the candle flame, the tip of her nose was red, as if she'd been sniffling.

Oh. She was as worried about her family as I was about my friends, wasn't she?

Even though I wanted to hop up and down and scream at her to hand over the mirror cover, I forced myself to summarize events for her. Everyone's all right, Rohanus and Missa are at the Earth Court, the Lady decided to launch a surprise attack, and I'm going to the royal court to get the queen to stop her uncle.

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