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A guard knocks on my door, "You have been summoned."

Ever since my grandfather mentioned an alliance, ever since I have been made available in the market for a wedding, many half-century-old mafia men showed up at our door offering lucrative deals.

Poppy made it clear to me that he will not tie me up to an old fat greedy rat. So I expect someone closer to my age, at least five to ten years elder. That is most closer people get married, in our world.

I stand by my window and watch the sunset far in the lake. My gaze shifts to our parking grounds and I see two men walking out toward a black SUV. Their back is turned to me. They climb into the car and I see Kim Namjoon in the passenger seat. Laughing hard.

Why is the Mafia Boss of the Kim Family laughing so hard? I must be dreaming.

I squint my eyes to see the other man but I only see a black leather jacket and nothing else before they drive away out of the gates.

I exit my room and head downstairs to my grandfather's office wondering about the new side of Kim Namjoon.

He is a distant relative of my mom, and that is the reason my dad never did good business with him.

Whenever I saw him at our family gala, he used to eye people cautiously like a predator ready to pounce on its prey.

I have never seen that man even smile at anyone. and now he is laughing. Like a full-blown laugh out from his lungs.

Maybe he is a 'good-people' as my mom used to say.

The guard outside the office opens the door for me to step in. Poppy looks up at me and asks me to take a seat. He seems happy today and I think I know why.

After eyeing me with so much love and adoration he says, "I have chosen a man for you."

I saw it coming already so I'm not surprised.

But Kim Namjoon is already married, then who could it be?


Nervousness increases my anticipation but Poppy only smiles. "Jeon Jungkook."

Jeon Jungkook, Kim Namjoon's second right hand, the first one being Kim Taehyung.

The realization hit me that it was Jeon Jungkook with Kim Namjoon here a few minutes ago. But God!!!! I wished I had seen his face, coz most of the mafia haven't.

People call him Black Shadow coz he leaves no traces after the assigned work is done. He leaves the murder scene spotless.

I secretly thank god that I'm not marrying an old fat greedy rat.

But how is Jeon Jungkook any good? All I heard about him are death stories. Like how he tortures and kills people like the monster he is. People call him a Killing Machine. A shiver runs through me thinking about him.

I'm not oblivious to crime and blood, but the thought of marrying and living with someone like him makes my skin crawl in fear.

If my father is the worst, how is Jeon Jungkook any better? Will he treat me in the same way my father treated my mother?

"Get out of your thoughts, my little princess." Poppy grunts and stands up. He comes to me, takes my hands in his, and smiles.

"Come with me." He gestures us out of the office to our back garden.

We kept walking toward the fountain and I am feeling nausea of fear coiling in my belly, "Why him, Poppy?"

Poppy smiles again, "That is what I asked him a few minutes ago and he proved to me that he would be the right match for you."

"What did he tell you?"

"I cannot tell you and spoil the fun. You'd be happy if you heard those words when he tells you."

If Poppy is so impressed, Jungkook might have said some nice words then. Is he that nice or does he have any ulterior motive?

I'm so impatient now. I want to know why Poppy chose him. There is no way I can get those words out of my grandfather's mouth.

"Don't overthink too much, Princess." He squeezes my arm and smiles, "He swore on his life to protect you until his last breath."

Of course, he can protect me. That is something I can expect from a Killing Machine.

An army of guards can protect me, our families can protect me. But protection is not the only thing I want from my husband.

"The wedding is in four days," Poppy announces.

"What? Four days?" I shriek, "Why are you so eager to send me away?"

It is not like I want to plan my wedding. It is an alliance and nothing else and I need more time with my grandfather. He'll be left all alone.

"We must make haste. Don't forget that we are solidifying this alliance to deal with our common enemy - Min Yoongi."

Right. How did I forget about it? Min Yoongi and his cousin Jung Hoseok are relatives of my father's side of the family.

But my father never played a fair game with them, killed some of their men and amid this chaos, Min Yoongi's mother was accidentally killed by my dad's men. Now the cousin-duo wants to avenge their loss.

That is why the wedding will take place in four days and I have no say in it.

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