f o r t y - s e v e n

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We have fallen into a routine. Jimin and I are combing the ports and streets for any possible clue of whoever is behind this huge racket. Work has been hectic, nearly a thousand men are assigned to different cities across Europe and Korea. Most of them report directly to me and Namjoon.

Currently, Jimin and I are camouflaging behind a huge ship container in the dark night at the Sicily port. Five women are being mauled into a container onto the ship. Our men are stationed across the length of this port and we are definitely going to catch some fish.

"Block Four. Move." I command through my transceiver. I adjust my earpiece and load my gun, pointing it toward the men who are pushing the semi-conscious women into the container.

I glance at Jimin crouching behind a container, a few feet away from me, and when he nods, I shoot.

The silencer swallows the sound of the bullet and the man who got shot falls to the ground, groaning.

One bullet and there is chaos. My men rush in to fight the others. Jimin and I open fire at the men, I shoot whoever tries to block our path. There are only a handful of men, "didn't think you'd get caught, did you?" Jimin chuckles darkly, shooting the men in the leg to keep them alive.

Three more men emerge from behind the container after hearing the chaos. They look at me wide-eyed, terrified. When I point my gun at them to shoot, they turn back and jump into the ocean. Fucking losers.

When we get the situation in control, I order my men to take the women to Luca's infirmary for a medical checkup and follow-up treatment.

Unfortunately, a few of the men are dead, I wish I had tortured them but I have two men alive to dig organs…no, to dig answers out of them.

"Haul them in the truck and send them to Luca's basement. No food, only water. Keep the fuckers conscious and alive. We'll come back tomorrow for a nice little chat."

The fear in the eyes of those dirty criminals satisfies my ego. Of course, I have a reputation to maintain. Also, I feel immensely proud for rescuing five women today. Five women and I will fight the world if I have to keep innocent women and children safe.

I fly back to Tuscany from Sicily for the night, because I can't leave my Angel alone. Now that Bam is here, I'm partly assured that she will be safe.

After I land at the airbase, an SUV picks me up, and my phone buzzes. The smile on my face fades when it is Namjoon and not Y/n, that is calling me.


"That is not how it's done, Kook." He roars on the other end.

"What did you want me to do then? Let those fuckers take those drugged women just so we can observe fucking patterns?"

He only sighs in response.

"For two weeks we have been observing these fucking logistics. There's no particular route the ships are moving. It is getting highly difficult to track them. How could I just let go of those women to observe where they will land?"

Namjoon hyung got no response. For two weeks, we have been tracking the ships from most of the ports. We got no fucking idea when they start and which route they particularly follow because it is not always the same.

"There has to be another way, Kook. Because you opened fire today, they will get more alert." He exclaims.

I smile darkly and reply…"And that is when they'll make mistakes. Don't worry Namjoon hyung, I have taken two men, surely they will spill some beans or body parts."

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