t h i r t y - f i v e 🥵

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Thunders roar in the night. I couldn't sleep not because I'm afraid of having nightmares but because Jungkook isn't home yet.

I don't know where he's been wandering the past couple of days. Ever since he has recovered, he hasn't been home.

The Men need me, he said.

I need you too, I couldn't say.

I toss and turn in my bed. Anxiety creeping into my body. All I hope for is that he is safe. Suddenly I hear a faint sound of something dropping in the corridor.

Wondering if it's Bam, I make my way outside and find the light of one of our guest rooms turned on.

There is no way anyone could enter the estate, let alone our mansion. Which means only one thing.

Jungkook is home.

I rush into the guest room finding the bathroom door open. When I go in, my feet halt after looking at all the white roller bandages lying on the floor, covered in blood.

Dread fills my chest. I take a deep breath and run downstairs, wanting to find him. Anger flares my very soul.

When I finally dash into his office, Jungkook whirls around pointing his gun at me. After seeing me at the door, he heaves a sigh of relief dropping his gun onto the desk. "Hi, Baby."

"Don't you dare Baby me." I cross the room in two strides closing the distance between us. Before I could yell at him for getting hurt again, he grabbed my waist and captured my mouth, into his own, swallowing all my words, all of my anger.

I struggle against his hold, to let go but he growls at me and kisses me deeper pressing my back against his desk.

I nip and bite his mouth making blood ooze out of his bottom lip. He hisses at me, "Fierce, I see." He traces the blood on his lip with his thumb and suckles on it. "The taste of your kiss. I love it."

The sight made my knees go weak but I need to focus back to where he's wounded. His left arm, I see, is neatly plastered with a bandage. He cleaned himself when he could've come directly to me. More anger consumes me.

"What is the matter with you?" I scream at him. "Is this a routine now? You get hurt every time you are off to work. This is the third time consecutively, Jungkook…"


She nags.
She cares.
She loves.
She is fcking perfect.
Her soul is pure and innocent.

"Tell me what happened." She holds my gaze, "...are you even listening to me?"

I chuckle. "Hi, Angel. I missed you."

She swats my hand away when I try to grab her face. "Unbelievable," she scoffs. "Here I was sleepless, day and night while you were gone…"

I kiss her. Taking those angry plump lips into my mouth. "I fcking missed you."

Pure need and sheer possessiveness gnawing my insides. The fcking urge to protect her, cage her from this criminal world pours into my veins.

Her pure heart and innocence are not meant for the world she's born into, but I will protect her from all the depraved shadows for even thinking of hurting her.

My Angel.
My pure Angel.

I deepen the kiss and hold her tight to my chest.

Into The Shadows 🖤Where stories live. Discover now