t h i r t e e n

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After bidding goodbye to Lia and Maria, I rushed to our mansion. Maria told me not to shower because then I'd lose the fragrance.

So I do as told. Don't ask me why. I quickly run to my room and change into a cute outfit. Why not huh? Jungkook is my husband.

It is almost dark outside and I placed an order for an Italian dinner from the pantry of the Central Mansion.

I clean the already clean mansion and fill Bam's water bowl.

And I wait.
I wait like a puppy for my owner to return.

Well, that is a strange metaphor. I look at Bam and realize we are no different because we are both waiting for Jungkook to come home.

I called Jimin's bar and ordered Macallan for Jungkook. Then I turn on the TV and try to watch it. I don't want it to be obvious to Jungkook that I am sitting ideally and waiting for him.

A few minutes later, I hear Jungkook's car, Bam woofs and runs outside. I lie down comfortably on the couch and continue watching TV.

"Y/n..." Jungkook walks into the living room and I sit up on the couch, so he'd sit beside me. But he slumps on another couch, adjacent to mine. He looks tired.

"Hi." I hate small talk.

"Hey." He smiles and eyes my cute sleeveless baby blue dress that ends up to my knees. "I heard that you had a great day."

"Yeah. I did, with Maria and Lia."

"Hmm." Jungkook kicks his shoes off. "I'm sorry about Bam. Was Lia okay?"

Sure, he knows everything.

"She is fine. Just got scared a bit. Bam attacked her."

Jungkook chuckles and starts unbuttoning his black shirt. "He did not attack her. It is just his way of checking a person. A stranger."

"But he did not do that to me."

He unbuttons two of them, stops at the third, and catches me staring at his chest. "That's because I told him to protect you."

"You did?" I'm breathless now. God, what the duck is wrong with me?

"Yes." Jungkook smiles and calls Bam.

Bam cuddles up beside me instead of going to him, "Ah, now you chose her?"

Jungkook gets up from his place, comes to me, and pats Bam's head which is resting in my lap. His hand grazes my stomach and I quickly suck in a breath.

Jungkook pauses and he pats my head too. Just like he did to Bam. "I'll be back after a shower. Wait for me."

He walks away and I huff in annoyance. He patted my head as if I were his puppy too. My comparison from earlier came true.

Why can't he see me differently? Then I realize, Bam and I are no different to him.

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