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While we head back towards our mansion from Taehyung's, a guard heads our way with a grocery bag.

"Mrs Jeon, these are the things that you ordered." 

Y/n quickly shakes her head and hides behind me. "I did not order anything." Her breath hits my shoulder blades and she clutches my palm tightly. Why is she hiding?

"Mrs Kim Maria mentioned that Mrs Jeon wanted these things." The guard says.

I took the bag from his hand and sent him away. Turning towards Y/n, I find her fingers fidgeting with nervousness. I noticed it many times already.

"Are you scared of the guards?" I ask calmly.

She shakes her again.

"Then what is it?"

"I didn't order any of those things. I just told Maria that I'd like to have a few extra groceries, but I didn't talk to the guards. I swear."

"What is it about 'talking to the guards?'" I am trying to understand the fear in her eyes. "You are scared of talking to them or something?"

She shakes her head and looks everywhere except me. I let go of Bam's leash, "Bam! House!" 

Once Bam runs to the mansion, I take Y/n and make her sit on the bench near the lake, "Tell me, Angel. I told you not to hide things."

After taking deep breaks and some more fidgeting later, "I am not allowed to talk to the guards."

"And who said that?"

"My dad."

"Why is that?"

"He thought I'd flirt with them and attract male attention and that eventually…I'd...sleep…with…"

God, I swear I'll dig his remains outside and torture him again. 

"So you never talked with any of them?"

"Only my personal guards, they are way older than me." She speaks so calmly with so much guilt as if she committed a mistake. 

She fidgets her fingers some more and I can't resist asking, "Did something happen? Did your dad…" 

Before I finish my sentence, her eyes widen in fear. "Tell me, Angel. It's okay!"

"I once wished a guard happy birthday because I overheard one of the maids talk about it, so I wished him and…"

She pauses. And breathes. And breathes a little more. I entangle our fingers and gently squeeze them. "Go on."

"I was beaten by my dad and I didn't see the daylight for a week."

Cold blood rushes through my veins. The urge to destroy something grows stronger and I release her hand to not hurt her. 

We stayed there on the bench for many minutes. She tries not to cry, not to shed a single tear.

I contemplate what sort of hell hole she has been in. I think about how to destroy her fears and make her live a normal life. 

One with happiness and freedom. She'll have all of that with me. Here. In our house. 

"You can talk to anyone you want Y/n. You are a human for god's sake." I'm trying not to sound angry and she watches me with surprise.

"I can?"

"Yes, Angel. Tomorrow I'll introduce you to all the guards and maids. You can talk to them. Ask them for anything and they'll get it done. You can do anything you want here, Angel."

"That means can I walk around here? Outside our mansion, along this lake?" Her eyes sparkle with hope.

"Except for the restricted areas Taehyung showed to you on the map, you can go anywhere. You can even go outside the estate to the city, but with guards."


Was she not allowed to even take a walk? 

"Don't tell me there is a story behind it too?"

When she remains calm, I slam my fist hard against the bench, "Jesus." 

She flinches hard and takes my slightly bruised fist into her tiny hands and gasps, "Your knuckles…Jungkook…" she gasps for air. 

"Hey, hey, it is nothing. I'm fine." I cup her cheeks and look into her sorrow-filled eyes wondering what she has been through. And why didn't I get to her sooner?

"You are bleeding."

"I know." She is still concerned for me and I want to kiss her. I want to kiss her and erase all her fears. 

Will she let me? Will the girl who has been tortured and terrified, by being physically abused by her dad, let me touch her?

Before marrying her, I thought she'd be scared looking at my scarred face but my angel is already scared of many other things which I intend to peel off her heart, bit by bit. 

"I will not touch you until I eliminate your fears. I will not touch you unless you want me to."


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