t w e n t y - e i g h t

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The bullet pierced right through his heart.
Blood oozed out.
Not the kind of wound that I can patch up.
Not the kind of bruise that'll heal over the week.

He fell in front of me and I couldn't do anything. I couldn't protect him.

I stare through the back window of the car at Jungkook lying on the ground as my car is driving away from him.

Anxiety bubbles up in my chest as I feel like we are being torn worlds apart. I feel like I'm being drawn into another world where he doesn't exist.

I lost him.
I lost the love of my life.

My palms sweat and my fingers fidget. My breaths shorten, and I try to regain my composure, "Wolf, take me back to him. I can't leave him there."

"I can't, Mrs Jeon," he loads his gun and barks at the driver to drive faster.

"No...stop the car, Wolf!"

My chest tightens. When Jungkook is completely out of my sight, my breath falls into a tiny wheeze.


…are the only thoughts consuming me. Why am I on the verge of losing the people I love?

All the sounds vanish as my heart uncontrollably strains against my ribs and my vision give out.


"He's breathing, thank fck!" I hear Tae and he grabs me off the road.

I can feel him rushing somewhere, with all the energy I can muster, I squeeze his arm to grab my attention, "Tae…take care of Y/n…when I'm gone."

"I swear I'll gut your intestines out if you die," He puts on me a stretcher and hauls me into the ambulance, "If you love her, live for her, you fcking bastard."

Live for her.

"Tae, don't let…her…see me…she's…scared of…blood."

My body gives out before my brain does and only one thing keeps running on it.

Live for her.


Blood isn't the scariest now.
It is death.
I want Jungkook back, no matter the bullet holes.

I want. Him. Back.

I pull off the IV from my hand and get off the bed. One hour. I was unconscious for an hour.

I hurry downstairs and find Wolf checking all the weapons laid on the living room table. Exactly where Jungkook and I used to have dinner every night.

Anger pierced through me. He noticed me and came my way and I slapped him right across his face and screamed, "You should rather have left me there to die."

"I vowed to protect you with my life, Mrs Jeon."

I scoff at his dutifulness and the vows he made, "..and what? Leave your boss alone to die?"

Not a word comes out of his mouth now.

"Well, now that you've fulfilled your duty of bringing me back safely…I am leaving."

I walk past him but he blocks my way, "I'm afraid, you can't."

"Do not tell me what to do! I am going back to my husband…"

He blocks my way again, "Mrs Jeon, the threat persists and I can't let you go anywhere."

"This is ridiculous," no one can fcking stop me from seeing Jungkook right now. I have to see him right now. I want to know that he's breathing…"You can try to stop me."

I walk past him towards the exit and before I make it to the main door, Wolf presses a button and the alarm goes off making all the doors and windows of the mansion shut down. Closed.

"What the fck?"

"I'm sorry, Mrs Jeon. I'm forced to do this."

I wish I had a gun so I can put a bullet right through his head. I need to see Jungkook, I need to get out of here.

"Where is Jungkook?"

"Boss Joon has gone to find him. I'm not updated yet."

I run upstairs again, haul my phone out and dial Maria. She picks up on the first ring, "Maria…", I cry.

"I know, Y/n. I have been trying to contact Joon, but he is not answering my calls," her voice is shivering on the other end.

"I'm locked up right here," I tell her about Wolf locking the system only to find out the entire estate has been locked.

"I can't come out of here too, Y/n. It is a mandatory protocol for checking the entire estate after an attack on our men."

"What?" I feel trapped.

"Wait," I hear her walking and suddenly she says, "There are underground tunnels that connect all the mansions to the Central Mansion. I'm coming right to you, now."

Thank god.
I'm so glad that the security of this estate is top-notch.

Without Jungkook by my side, I realize how incomplete I am. My heart feels that he is alive. I know that he hasn't left me.

Five minutes in and Maria walks into my room. She hugs me right away and we cry for so long.

"Maria, he told me that he loves me. He'll not leave me right?"

She shakes her head, "Never, Y/n. He will come back to you. Soon."

"I didn't have the time to love him back."

I fall onto the bed, clutching my aching heart, and cry over the sight that keeps playing on repeat in my mind.

How his body jerked when the bullet pierced through him. The way he said I love you to me.

"I didn't get a chance to tell him that I love him back."

"Y/n, please…don't cry babe. You need to be stronger for him, now more than ever."

Her words hit me hard. That is exactly how Jungkook wanted me to be. He wanted me to be strong and resilient and unintimidated.

I need to be Fearless.
For him.
I shouldn't get scared of petty blood.
I have to get Jungkook back, in whatever way I could get him, blood or not.

"Maria, please call Joon."

He doesn't answer our calls.
Nobody does.
I keep pacing around the room feeling dizzy and nauseous due to anxiety.

Poppy calls me and swears that he'll find out who has attacked us. Lia calls me telling me to be safe.

But I don't get any calls from the ones I'm waiting for. After what felt like an eternity, for god's sake, Jimin walks in.

I rushed to him with hope filling my heart, "Where is he?"

Jimin's expression is so grim, his hesitation has my heart racing. "Undergoing surgery. Doctors said that he is in a critical condition."

His voice is shaking and I get the idea of how critical it is. I fell to the ground. Breaths unstable. Fear coursing through my veins that I'm gonna lose him.

"I need to see him. Now."

Jimin shakes his head, "You can't, y/n."

"Why not?"

"Jungkook doesn't want you to see him."


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