f o r t y - f o u r 🌶️

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I woke up in the bedroom on the plane. I don't know how long I've been asleep, I can't make out the time because of the darkness outside.

I jump off the bed and walk down the plane aisle towards Jungkook, only to see a tall blonde flight attendant making eyes at him, she gives him a cheeky smile for what he said, and my possessive nature flares to life.

I never thought I was a territorial person until I had a taste of Jeon Jungkook and he'll be mine till the ends of the earth, no matter what.

"Baby," I approach them and push myself between them so that she takes a couple of steps backward. I give one of my mastered fake smiles to her and swing my legs on Jungkook's lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. "How long was I asleep?"

He gives me a knowing smirk, tugs a hair strand of mine behind my ear, and pats my head like I'm his puppy. Anger burns through me. Why can't he show her that I'm his wife and why can't he treat me like one? Why would he pat my head like I'm a kid?

The angry scowl on my face makes him chuckle. "Only a couple of hours, Y/n."

Y/n. Not Angel. This man is pushing my damn buttons.

The irritation on my face makes him smile in amusement, I guarantee that he is enjoying every second of it.

The flight attendant puts dirty dishes in the trolley making unnecessary clinking sounds as if she wants to break our bubble.

"Wait...you had dinner without me?" I'm quite offended now.

"I was so hungry," he whispers seductively only for my ears. I wish she heard it too. "I didn't know for how long you'll be down, so I had pizza."

"Would you like anything for dessert, Sir?" She asks in a seductive inviting tone.

The audacity she has to ask him for dessert?

I grit my teeth and snap my gaze at her. "Get me a hamburger please and my husband will have a Macallan."

Her eyes widened in realization. Take that bitch. Hands off.

She nods politely with a smile and rushes away.

When my gaze settles back on Jungkook, I find him smirking in satisfaction. "Well played, Wife, but you didn't have to be jealous, my dessert is right here."

"Would have been better if you said those words when she was here," my tone is irritating.

"Jealous much?"

He just grins devilishly and I want to bite that sexy smirk off his face. So I do exactly that, my teeth sink into the corner of his mouth. I bite down on his lips and he groans while readjusting me on his lap so I'm straddling him. "I hate you."

"You don't mean that, Angel." He swallows my lips, sucking them with his tongue. I can't help but moan loudly when I feel him harden underneath me.

"I don't. But I hate the way you play, it is unfair." I grit out in between my gasps and moans when his mouth explores my neck.

"Oh, how so?"

Ugh! Of course, he wants me to lose control and get territorial of him. He wants me to obsess over him but I need to play back too.

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