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If there's one thing that I hate the most in the world is doing business with Min Yoongi. He is a cunning, sly bastard.

He never lets Namjoon have a say in any of our deals, yet, Joon likes to do business with him because he brings us a lot of money.

We aren't enemies per se but we haven't exactly been allies either because Yoongi only does business. Nothing more, nothing less.

After six years of peace, thanks to the last deal we made, the truce was upheld until last night. The fcker messed with our arms shipment and injured two of our men.

As I said, he is a cunning bastard because that was his way of invitation. Meaning: He wants to meet us.

And now Namjoon, Taehyung and I head to one of his clubs to find out the reason the fcker breached the truce.

We travel in three different cars followed by a condo of six more, as to not have a tail behind us. Once we reached the club, the bouncers let us in without any arms check.

One thing I like abt this fcker is that he isn't afraid of his enemies keeping their guns during meetings because his feral gaze is untethered, his bullet will be out before ours.

Like usual, we evade the bar and the dance floor and walk to the rear end of the club, into a secret office.

Just as we entered, Namjoon took out his Glock and shot two of his men in the knee, they fell to the ground and groaned in pain but Yoongi didn't even flinch. "Two of your men, for two of mine."

Yoongi smirks, "Nothing's changed even after many years." He gestures for someone to get us drinks while we comfortably sit at the round table.

"What changed then? Why did you attack?" Joon gets straight to the point. I love it.

"Hmm..." Yoongi shuffles the cards and starts distributing them to us with a sly smirk on his face. My hands are itching to pull the trigger. He looks directly at me and smirks, "Let's catch up for a while. It's been so long, don't ya think?"

"Cut the crap and tell me the reason you broke the peace?" Namjoon is irritated as hell. "If you want a new deal, we can renew..."

"Who said anything about our deal?" Yoongi drops the cards and leans back in his chair.

"Then what is it?" Taehyung asks.

"It is about your new deals."

Min Yoongi is a man of few words. And my patience is as limited as his number of words. "What the fck do you mean? Let it out clearly!"

"The Black Shadow now talks too? Happy married life by the way", he smirks and sips his whiskey.

We never talk about family.
It is one of our rules.
We don't talk about them.
We don't hurt them.
That is our fcking deal.

Before I can pull the gun and put a bullet through his head, Joon holds my hand under the table.

"Yoongi," Joon sighs, "Where did you hide our shipment? Why did you attack it in the first place? What do any of our deals have to do with you?"

The bastard exhales heavily, "Fine, seems like you guys aren't in the mood to fck around. I even called some strippers to entertain you and now that you are married...loyalty and all huh?"

Before I dismantled his jaw, he now gets straight to the point, "The ports Mafia Lee gave you access to, once were under the control of my father. I want them back."

I scoff at his ridiculous demand, "The ports are ours now, we signed a deal with Mafia Lee."

"Lee owes me a billion. Yet, he gave the ports to you." Yoongi growls.

"Then take it up with Lee. Why are you meddling with us?" Joon asks.

A sly grin forms on his face when he looks at me, "Because 'the Lee' I want to take up with, is your wife now."

I pounce across the table taking my gun out, I grab him by the collar, "You do not talk about my wife." I point the barrel at his forehead, "You do not talk to her. You do not breathe in her direction."

A fight erupts as Taehyung kicks Yoongi's men and Namjoon is restraining another in his cage. Yet, Min Yoongi is cool as ice and I want to wipe that smirk off his face.

More men dash in from the outside and pull me away from Yoongi. I back-kick a guy in his balls and snap the head of another. A knife comes into my vision and I grab that hand and twist it in the other direction, piercing it through a man's body. Blood splatters on me, as he falls on me and then onto the ground.

I overstep him and head back to Yoongi who is sitting comfortably in the chair as if there's a movie going on.

This is why I hate the fcker.

Yoongi gestures to his men to leave, "Drop it. Everyone." He sighs lazily as if his life is not on-line, as if I'll not blow his head off. It makes me angrier.

"We first talk. Remember." Yoongi smiles at Namjoon, "Your words, not mine."

Namjoon lives by some fcking principles. He always says Words before Wars.

And no family should be involved.

"You have nothing to do with my wife. You are free to make deals with her grandfather, if he entertains the idea, we all can do business together. This is my final word."

Despite my cold warning, Yoongi only smirks. "We will see about that."

I grab him by his collar off the chair only for Namjoon to pull me away..."Enough! We'll have this conversation later with Mafia Lee and make the best out of the situation."

I jerk away from Joon and head out before I murder Yoongi. One day, this bastard will die in my hands. Unfortunately, that day is not today.

We head out to our cars and Namjoon groans in pain, Taehyung holds him immediately and I see his blood trickling down his left arm.

I slam my car door shut, "Fcking hell."


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