Chapter Two

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The next morning, Felix woke up with dozens of texts from his friends from the party asking where he went. Unfortunately for them, it was far too early in the morning for Felix to deal with that.

Felix slowly got out of bed, getting ready for his morning class. God, what was he thinking going to a party on a school night? Felix continued his morning routine until a new message on his phone caught his eye.

Chan: Felix is the rumor true? About you and Hyunjin?

Felix rubbed his eyes, was he reading that right? Hyunjin was the stranger that helped him at the party last night, but what rumor could possibly come from that?

Felix: What are you talking about?

Chan: There's a rumor going around that you and Hyunjin are dating

Felix's eyes went wide as he read Chan's text. How could that even happen? Sure, Hyunjin had pretended to be Felix's boyfriend to get him out of a bad situation, but they were practically the only people outside during the time? Everyone else was too busy throwing up or making out.

Felix: WHAT? Okay last night Hyunjin helped protect me from some creep by saying I was his boyfriend but I don't understand how this became a rumor?

Chan: Felix... do you not know who Hyunjin is?

Felix: I mean not really, I met him for the first time at the party last night.

Chan: Wait you are telling me you genuinely have no idea who Hyunjin is?

Felix: no?

Chan: Uhm well lets see, he is only the biggest player/jerk/popular kid IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSITY

Felix: oh

Chan: OH?!

Felix: Chan you're making me feel worse than I already do, no offense.

Chan: Sorry Lix, I don't mean to make you feel bad. It's just Hyunjin is a big deal in our school, I don't want his crazy fans to hurt you or anything.

Felix: It's okay Chan, I'll find him today and tell him about the rumors, I mean if he doesn't know already.

Chan: Be careful Lix

Felix groaned before throwing his phone down on his bed. How the hell does he manage to get himself in so much trouble? Now instead of having a relaxing recovery day, Felix has to track down his rumored boyfriend... yay.


Felix parked his car in the student parking lot before grabbing his books and walking in the building. As he walked, he kept his eyes open, not only for Hyunjin, but also for any crazy fangirls. He felt people's eyes on him as he walked, but he ignored them. He's been bullied before so this was nothing to him. Felix made 2 laps around the entire campus before giving up.

"Ugh this is hopeless..." He mumbled to himself as he made his way towards his classroom, only to stop dead in his tracks once he turned the corner. Because leaning against the wall with his eyes closed was no other than Hyunjin. Felix ran up to Hyunjin as he said "Oh my god I have been looking for you everywhere!"

Hyunjin opened his eyes as he casually said "Oh sorry..." Felix waved off the apology as he started to speak "I just want to say I am so so sorry about the rumors... I honestly didn't know who you were last night, and if I would've known it would effect you this way I would've just kicked him in the nuts or something. Please forgive me!"

Hyunjin laughed lightly at Felix's little rant before he responded "It's okay, I chose to help you so don't feel to bad for me. Besides there's always rumors going around about me anyways, it's nothing new."

Felix frowned a little at this, but he didn't want to make Hyunjin feel worse than he probably already did. "Well, I owe you one. For real, whatever you need just tell me so I can make it up to you."

Hyunjin scratched the back of his neck as an awkward smile spread across his face. "Uhm, I was actually coming here to talk to you about something like that." He said shyly.

Felix raised an eyebrow as he asked "Okay... so?"

Hyunjin laughed awkwardly "Uhm, this is more of a sit down conversation, when does your class start?"

Felix looked down at his phone before responding, "In 5 minutes... however calculus does not sound very interesting right now. Let's head to the cafeteria."

Hyunjin nodded his head as he followed behind the nervous Felix. The guy that saved you from being assaulted wants something in return, how bad could it be?

Felix sat down across from Hyunjin, he was already nervous, but the anxious look on Hyunjin's face made it even worse. "Okay, so as you might know, my parents are the Hwangs that own this university." Hyunjin said casually.

Felix's eyes went wide as he said "Uhm, I did not but continue..."

Hyunjin gave Felix a quick smile before continuing to explain, "Well, they both really want me to get married, and for a while I was able to put it off. But now, they're saying if I don't find someone I actually like, they will..."

A confused look spread across Felix's face as he asked "How exactly does this relate to me? No offense of course, I'm just a little confused." A pink tint spread across Hyunjin's face as he looked away from Felix.

"Well you see, I was supposed to have an arranged marriage at the end of the summer with some bratty rich girl. But when they heard the rumor about me having a boyfriend, they got really happy and told me that they would call off the wedding." Hyunjin explained carefully, trying not to freak out Felix too much. "Felix, I really don't want to marry her, or anyone for that matter. So telling my parents that it was just some rumor wouldn't be very ideal..."

Felix started to understand where Hyunjin was going, "So you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend so you don't have to get married?" He asked softly, wondering if this was actually happening to him.

Hyunjin nodded his head quickly, hoping that Felix would understand. "I don't know Hyunjin... I mean we only met last night. Why cant you ask someone else? Maybe one of your friends?"

"I completely understand where you're coming from, the thing is though, my parents are crazy. I mean not really, but when they heard a rumor about me dating someone, they did some digging. I think it's safe to say they know more about you, than you know about you." Hyunjin explained cautiously, seeing the hesitant look in Felix's eyes.

Hyunjin continued to speak, his sentences picking up in pace as he tried to convince Felix. "It's just until summer I swear! All we have to do is 'date' past the time I was supposed to get married and then we can break up or whatever and I'll tell me parents I need time to heal! It gets me out of marriage and I promise you won't have to deal with me anymore after that!"

Felix thought it over in silence, ignoring the pleading looks from the boy sat across from him. On one hand, this was a total stranger that could take advantage of him or ridicule him. But on the other, this was the kind stranger that saved him just a few hours ago, that he promised to pay back. Maybe having a little fun for a few months wouldn't be such a bad thing..

"Alright, I'll do it."

A/N: Please don't forget to vote and comment :) Also feel free to give feedback or anything of the sort!

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