Chapter Eleven

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That Saturday Hyunjin hesitantly walked into the amusement park, his three best friends trailing behind him, being annoying.

His friend, Han, loudly spoke as he grabbed Hyunjin's shoulder every five seconds. "OH MY GOSH HYUNJIN LOOK AT THAT ROLLER COASTER!!!"

His other friends Seungmin and Jeongin tried to contain Han at first, but they quickly gave up as they started questioning Hyunjin.

"So what's his favorite color?"

"Well, what color is his hair?"

"Is he nice?"

"Will he like us?"

"Does he have an accent?"

"What roller coasters does he like?"

Hyunjin's eyes scanned the crowds of people, looking for Felix as he drowned out his friends loudness. After a moment Hyunjin turned around and rolled his eyes at his friends before saying, "If you guys keep on being this annoying he isn't going to like you. Now help me look for him."

All three of the boys nodded quickly, as they joined Hyunjin in looking for Felix.

"Oh Hyunjin isn't that him?" Han said excitedly as he pointed off in the distance.

Hyunjin turned to where Han was pointing, squinting his eyes so that he could see better. Sure enough, there was Felix. He was skipping slightly as he turned to talk to three guys behind him. Hyunjin recognized one of them as Changbin, who he met the other day. Hyunjin had never seen the other two boys before, but they were just a intimidating as Changbin.

Hyunjin motioned for his friends to follow him as he started making his way over to Felix. Hyunjin made eye contact with Felix when they were just a few feet away. "Hyunjin! Come on guys!"

Felix and his group made their way over to Hyunjin and the other boys. Before Hyunjin could say anything, Han jumped out from behind Hyunjin as he loudly said, "Hi Felix! I'm Han Jisung! It's nice to meet you!"

Felix smiled at the boy Infront of him, "It's nice to meet you Han! Uhm, what are you guy's names?" Felix asked shyly, motioning to the other unfamiliar boys.

"Oh, I'm Seungmin and this is Jeongin. Sorry about Han, he's just really excited for today." Felix smiled brightly at Seungmin's words, laughing slightly at the now pouting Han.

Hyunjin cleared his throat slightly as he jokingly complained, "Oh wow I see how it is."

Felix rolled his eyes before giving Hyunjin a hug, "Hi Jinnie!"

Hyunjin smiled, feeling accomplished once their hug ended. Changbin smiled as he waved slightly at Hyunjin, "Good to see you again Hyunjin."

Hyunjin nodded his head carefully, "Yeah, you too Changbin. And I don't think I know who you two are?"

The boy to Felix's right extended his hand towards Hyunjin as he said, "I'm Lee Minho. I'm majoring in dance with Felix." Hyunjin gave a small smile before turning to the other boy.

"And what was your name?" Hyunjin said carefully.

"I'm Chan. I'm Felix's older brother." Hyunjin shivered slightly at the cold look Chan was giving him. Suddenly, Chan's cold expression changed when Changbin slapped Chans arm.

"Chan stop glaring at him! You promised Felix you would be nice." Changbin loudly said, pointing towards Felix, who was happily talking to Jeongin about what roller coasters they were most excited for.

Chan huffed as he pouted, "Changbin I'm his big brother! I'm supposed to be mean to his boyfriend!" Hyunjin laughed awkwardly at the arguing boys, not really knowing what to do.

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