Chapter Four

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Felix was stressed. It was almost 4 and he still couldn't decide on what to wear. He dramatically flopped down on his bed with a groan "Oh my god they're going to hate me." He mumbled to himself. Hyunjin would be at apartment in a hour to pick him up and he was nowhere close to being ready.

Wait, Hyunjin! He wouldn't be too bothered right? Oh well! Felix sat up in his bed as he pulled up Hyunjins profile and calling him. The phone rang once, twice, and then "Hey Felix! What's up?"

"Okay I know I probably should've asked like hours ago but, what the heck should I wear? Like give me a dress code or something." Felix said quickly, hopeful that Hyunjin would be helpful.

"Uhm I would say dress like casual chic!" Hyunjin said cheerfully.


"Yeah Felix?"

"What the actual fuck is casual chic?"

Hyunjin laughed at how dry Felix's voice had become, realizing how that might be confusing. "Yeah that's fair. How about I come over a bit early and I'll help you pick out something that will impress my parents?" He suggested, making Felix relax.

"Oh my god that would be amazing. You are such an angel." Felix said with a smile as he got out of bed, suddenly realizing how messy his apartment was.

Hyunjin laughed again as he said "Okay just text me your address and I'll head right over."

Felix said a quick goodbye to Hyunjin, texting him the address and hurrying to pick up his messy apartment. How the heck did he let it get this dirty? The pile of clean clothes that had been sitting in a laundry basket for the past 2 days had finally gotten put away and his bed was made neatly. He ran to the kitchen making sure any snacks were put away and the dishes were clean. He could vacuum but he didn't care that much.

Once he finished cleaning he sat down in the TV room, scrolling through Instagram as he waiting for Hyunjin. Once he finally heard a knock at his door he jumped up, running to open the door.

Felix opened the door and his jaw just about hit the floor. "So that is casual chic? Man I would've been so underdressed.." Felix said as he scanned over Hyunjins outfit. Hyunjin wore a nice black jacket over a black shirt, with nice jeans and sneakers. His dark hair was damp and styled nicely, as he wore a simple gold necklace.

Hyunjin laughed as he stepped inside "Alright stop undressing me in your mind and lets go pick out your outfit." Felix blushed bright red at the comment, especially because that was exactly what Felix was doing at the moment.

"Oh ha ha." He said sarcastically before grabbing Hyunjins hand and leading him to his bedroom. He let go of Hyunjin's hand as he walked over to his closet opening it up as he said "Voila, feel free to use anything in there."

Hyunjin looked at all his things in silence for a moment, holding some stuff up together and then changing his mind. After 10 minutes Hyunjin had a couple outfits picked out for Felix to try on.

"Jesus Hyunjin I'm starting to think you came over just to get a free personal fashion show." Felix said with a playful smile on his face as he grabbed the first outfit.

Hyunjin winked as he said "Maybe I am." Felix rolled his eyes, his smile growing as he walked in the bathroom and shut the door. Felix changed quickly, not wanting to leave Hyunjin waiting for too long.

He opened the door slightly as he yelled out to Hyunjin"Close your eyes!"

Felix peaked out the door and saw Hyunjin smiling with his eyes closed. He walked out of the bathroom adjusting his outfit before saying "Open your eyes!"

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