Chapter Seven

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"So Felix, tell us about you!" Mr. Hwang politely said once they all started to eat.

Felix smiled before saying, "Oh well, I'm majoring in dance at the same university as Hyunjin, I have an older brother, oh and I'm from Australia."

Mr. Hwangs eyes lit up as he asked, "Oh, do you speak English then?" Felix nodded his head politely.

Mr. Hwang pointed at Hyunjin as he replied, "We've been trying to get Hyunjin to learn English, but it isn't going so well. Maybe you could help him!"

Felix laughed as he watched Hyunjin go red as he looked at his dad with a glare. "Yeah, I can definitely try!"

The rest of dinner went well, Mrs. Hwang and Felix did end up bonding over fashion, making Felix relax a bit, and making Hyunjin happy that Felix was relaxing.

Felix smiled as he helped Mrs. Hwang put the last plate in the dishwasher. Hyunjin started putting on his coat as he said, "Well, I should probably get Felix home. It's starting to get pretty late."

Mrs. Hwang glanced outside before she said, "Are you sure? It's raining pretty hard out there."

Felix and Hyunjin turned to look out the window, both of them just now noticing the rain.

"Why don't you guys just stay here for the night? I know the dorms are quite a long drive away..." She said carefully as she tried to hide her smile.

Hyunjin glanced over at Felix, and he slowly responded, "Yeah, I guess we could, I'll go get Felix set up in the guest bedroom then."

Mrs. Hwang stopped Hyunjin as she said, "Actually, we just had a bunch of guests over, so all of our guest rooms are being cleaned at the moment. Why don't you both just sleep in your room, Hyunjin?"

Felix awkwardly smiled, "Uhm, yeah, I guess we could..."

"Well, off you go then! I'll see you both in the morning!" She replied with a big smile before running off to find Mr. Hwang.

Hyunjin looked at Felix as he whispered, "Are you sure it's okay? I can still drive you home if you want?"

Felix shook his head before he started walking upstairs, Hyunjin trailing just behind him. "It's fine. Plus, I've watched way too many Kdramas to feel comfortable driving in the rain. They always die or something!"

Hyunjin laughed as they walked inside his bedroom, Felix immediately walked over and flopped down on Hyunjin bed, a loud sigh escaping his mouth as he did.

A smile spread across Hyunjins face before he walked over to his closet, picking out a sweatshirt and sweatpants for himself, and another smaller pair of sweatpants for Felix.

He handed Felix the sweatpants as he said, "Here, Lix. My bathroom is just over there. Feel free to use any of my stuff in there if you need it."

Felix smiled brightly before jumping up and running to the bathroom. "Thanks, Hyunjin!"

Hyunjin quickly changed while Felix was in the bathroom, suddenly wondering who was going to sleep where. Felix walked out of the bathroom as he patted his face dry; his freckles now clearly spread across his face.

"So..." Hyunjin said awkwardly as he glanced at Felix and then the bed.

Felix rolled his eyes as he said, "Hyunjin, don't be so worried, we can both sleep in the bed as long as you don't make any moves, mister."

Hyunjin smiled, relieved that he wouldn't have to go sleep on the couch as he carefully pulled back the covers and climbed into bed. Felix did the same, adjusting his pillows carefully before laying down all the way.

Hyunjin turned his body to face Felix as he quietly said, "Thanks for coming  tonight, Lix."

Felix turned to face Hyunjin, and with a soft smile, he said, "Of course, Jinnie."

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow as he questioned, "Jinnie?"

Felix nodded happily, "Dont act all surprised as if you haven't been calling me Lix all night. Nicknames go both ways, Jinnie."

Hyunjin flushed red and quickly rolled over as he muttered, "Whatever..." Clearly embarrassed that he has been caught.

Felix laughed at his shy actions before grabbing Hyunjins arm and pulling it gently. "Aww! Don't be like that, Hyunjin! If you don't like it, just tell me."

Hyunjin rolled back over to face Felix as the boy pulled once more. Both boys very quickly realized how much closer they were this time versus before.

Felix's eyes went wide once he saw Hyunjins face just inches away. They sat in silence for a second, neither of the boys knowing what to do.

Hyunjin was the first to say anything as a whisper just barely fell out of his mouth. "I like it... The nickname. It's really cute."

Felix smiled softly before nodding his head. "Okay... well, then goodnight... Jinnie."

Hyunjin smiled as Felix turned over and curcled himself into a ball.

Yeah, definitely really cute.

Author Note: Heyy guysss 😅 I know it has been so long since I've updated this, but I have had such a crazy couple of weeks. My birthday was about a week ago, and I have been really sick, so I wasn't really able to do much writing, but I hope to upload a couple more chapters this weekend!

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