Chapter Five

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The car ride to the Hwang's house was mostly silent as both boys were suddenly very anxious.

Deciding to break the silence, Hyunjin quietly asked, "Do you think they're going to believe us?"

Felix thought for a moment before he spoke, "I think it'll be okay. Just make sure you don't call me bro, and I'm sure it'll be fine."

A slight chuckle was heard from Hyunjin, but Felix could tell he was still nervous. "Hey, don't worry. We've got this! I'm here to help you, so whatever you need, just tell me, and we'll sort it out." Felix gently said as he looked over at Hyunjin.

"Thank you, Felix. I seriously don't know what I would do without you." Hyunjin said as he reached over and squeezed Felix's hand for a moment.

The rest of the drive was silent again. However, it is a lot more comfortable this time. By the time they reached the Hwang's house, both boys were feeling a bit more confident and ready for the night.

As they pulled into the driveway, Felix's mouth hung open at the giant house in front of him.

From the fancy archways and old style brick pattern to the fountain and landscaping, everything looked so expensive.

Hyunjin parked his car in the driveway before quickly running out to open Felix's door.

"Oh, why thank you, sir." Felix jokingly said to the smiling Hyunjin. Hand in hand, they walked up to the front door. Hyunjin's hand lingered over the doorbell as he took a deep breath.

Hyunjin glanced over at Felix once more, immediately getting a bright smile from the latter. Before he could change his mind, Hyunjin pressed the doorbell, waiting for someone to open the door.

After a moment, an older man in a black suit opened the door. "Ah, Mr. Hwang, both of your parents are waiting for you in the living room." Just now, noticing someone else, the older man said."Oh! You must be Mr. Lee. I'm Park Yujun, the Hwang family's butler." Mr. Park bowed his head with a comforting smile spread across his face.

Felix bowed his head as he said, "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Park. And please, just call me Felix." Mr. Park's smile grew as he nodded his head, moving to the side so the boys could walk inside. The boy's quickly took off their shoes, not wanting to leave the Hwangs waiting for too long.

Still holding Felix's hand, Hyunjin led Felix through the house and to a large room with tall ceilings and a pretty chandelier. Felix barely had time to look around before he heard, "Oh my goodness, you must be Felix!" Felix looked over to the other side of the room to see a short woman quickly walking over to them.

She had dark black that lay at her shoulders. She was quite small but clearly had a big personality. She wore a pretty blue sweater and a small necklace. She had wrinkles by her eyes, but they didn't drag her face down. In fact, it made her prettier. It was very clear where Hyunjin got his looks and style from.

Hyunjin smiled brightly as he said, "Hi mom, and yes, this is Felix." Felix bowed respectfully as he said,"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Hwang. Thank you for inviting me to your home."

The woman laughed before pulling Felix into a hug as she said, "Don't be so serious! We're so excited to meet you!" As if on que, a tall man with short brown hair walked into the room. He wore rectangle glasses, and a big smile was plastered on his face.

"Welcome, everyone! Thank you for seeing us so soon!" Felix smiled as Mr. Hwang walked over and stood beside his excited wife as she continued to talk.

She jumped slightly as she spoke, "Okay, so for dinner tonight, I was wondering if you'd maybe like to help me cook Felix? I would love to get to know you better! Of course, everyone else can join as well, but..." Her voice trailed off as she spoke, clearly not wanting the others to join them.

Felix laughed as he replied, "I would love to join you, Mrs. Hwang. What do you have in mind?" The women clapped her hands before motioning for Felix to follow her into the kitchen, leaving Hyunjin and his dad alone.

Hyunjin and his dad sat down on the couch, both of them smiling slightly at Mrs. Hwang and Felix as they walked to the kitchen.

Mr. Hwang smiled over at his son before saying, "I'm happy you finally found someone you really like, though it is a shame for Ji-woo and her parents that we will have to cancel the wedding."

Hyunjin let out a breath, silently noticing how his father believed their relationship. "Yeah, me too. I'm sorry for not telling you about him sooner. I just wanted to take things kind of slow at first." He explained carefully, suddenly remembering that him and Felix had yet to discuss a backstory.

"You know dad, I have to ask. Why did you want me to get married so bad?" Hyunjin asked, trying not to sound too annoyed.

His dad sighed, thinking for a moment before he responded. "Well, I was just worried for you." He started to explain carefully. "You dated a couple of people all through high school, but then you got to university, and suddenly, you weren't even interested in anybody anymore. Then when you told me you don't ever want to get married I was worried."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes as he said "Dad I told you I was happy alone, though. I just don't get why you were so worried, I was fine."

"I just didn't want you to be alone for the rest of your life. Even if I had to arrange a marriage for you, there would still be someone there for you. Which is actually why I chose Ji-woo. She actually did like you. I knew that when the day would come when me and your mother aren't here anymore, you would have someone to comfort you, especially someone who wanted to comfort you."

Hyunjin sighed once again, wanting to argue, but not wanting to expose how his relationship was fake.

Mr. Hwang hesitated for a second before saying, "Every time you used to come over, it was like you had no emotions. Sure, you would smile, and you would with us, but there was no truth behind it. I could tell you weren't really happy. Even seeing how you were with Felix, it was like your eyes sparkled. I can tell you're actually happy now."

Hyunjin mentally rolled his eyes. His dad didn't know what he was talking about, Felix and him weren't even really together. Sure, Hyunjin was happy that Felix was his friend, but they were nothing more, and they never would be.

His dad needed to understand that Hyunjin would be happy without dating anybody. Like yeah, he was happy when he is with Felix, but that because they're friends. He was happy with all his friends.

"Whatever, dad, let's just go join mom and Felix, I'm sure you want to get to know him too." Mr. Hwang awkwardly nodded his head before following his son into the kitchen.

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