Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: .... I'm sorry

"Can I kiss you?"

"Yes, Jinnie."

That was all it took before Hyunjin pressed his lips against Felix's. Their lips needily moved with each other's as the kiss sped up. Hyunjin's hands snaked their way underneath Felix's shirt, feeling up everything that had been hidden away for so long.

He had to admit, for someone who has never kissed before, Felix was doing absolutely amazing. Hyunjin felt his stomach doing little flips every time Felix's tongue would touch him. If there was a God above, heaven forbid he read Hyunjins mind right now.

Hyunjin couldn't help but smirk at the little noises Felix was making, each little moan and gasp sending chills down his body. But Hyunjin did have some self control, this was Felix's first time ever kissing someone, and he didn't need to get too carried away.

After a moment, Hyunjin carefully pulled away from Felix, resting their foreheads together as they both silently panted.

Opening his eyes, Hyunjjn laughed proudly at Felix's sore, red, lips. "So, how was your first kiss?" He asked sarcastically.


Hyunjin laughed at the boy's simple answer but suddenly became very serious.

"I was thinking... maybe it time we became more than friends?" Hyunjin asked carefully, suddenly remembering that amazing kiss.

Butterflies. That was the only thing Felix felt at the moment. He had just kissed his crush, and now, said crush was asking to be his real boyfriend!

"Yeah, I think it's about time we upgraded out title." Felix responded casually, trying not to show how excited he was.

"Yes! You know, I've always wanted to try this friends with benefits thing!" Hyunjin said happily as he pulled himself off of Felix, adjusting his clothes carefully.

Friends with benefits? Felix could feel his heart break as those words replayed in his mind, making sure he was understanding right.

Of course, he just meant friends with benefits. Why would Hyunjin ever actually like someone like him?

No. He couldn't stand for this. He was not going to be used for his body. "Actually, Hyunjin, now that I'm really thinking about it, I think it's better if we just stay friends without benefits."

Hyunjin's smile fell as he turned to look at Felix. "Wait, what? Didn't you like the kiss?"

Felix scoffed, "Yeah, the kiss was good. But it's really one of those one and done type of things. Uhm, I am going to go enjoy my party now. Thanks for whatever this was. Bye, Hyunjin."

Hyunjin watched as Felix left the dark room, suddenly feeling very lonely. Why didn't Felix want to have benefits with him? I mean, sure, he hasn't kissed anyone in a little while, but Felix wouldn't be able to tell, right?


For months, Lee Felix spent his days and nights obsessing over his fake boyfriend: Hwang Hyunjin.

Every little text, snapchat, and even how quickly he responded was mentally noted. He found Hyunjin in just about everything in life. A new song? Hey, Hyunjin has glasses like those! A pretty sunset? Oh, Hyunjin loves painting with those colors!

So, you'd think that getting a kiss from Hyunjin would be oh so thrilling! But no. That's not how life really works. What? Did he really expect some fairy tale?

From this day forward, Lee Felix has decided that he will no longer have a crush on his fake boyfriend. No more giggling over pictures, being nervous about plans, and even no more scheming with Jeongin. He simply wouldn't care anymore.

And no, this was not a plan to get Hyunjin to miss him or be jealous. This was simply how life was going to be.

Felix stormed out of his bedroom, almost immediately running into Changbin. "Oh hey Lix! I was just coming to see where you were! Was Hyunjin in there with you?"

Now, a part of Felix wanted to say,'Screw all!' And kiss changbin right there just to prove a point.

However, he was not going to reveal the lies that Hyunjin and him created. Not for Hyunjin! But for his education! If Felix were to reveal the plan, Hyunjin would have to get married, and he would probably make his parents kick Felix out of the university. And that was not going to happen on his watch.

"Oh yeah! We were just talking about something for a moment, want to go gran another drink with me?" Felix replied casually despite the anger he felt on the inside.

Hyunjin stepped outside Felix's door after a moment, feeling very guilty for some reason. Was Felix mad at him for the kiss? He agreed though? Ugh, this is why Hyunjin would never actually date someone. People are hard to figure out, especially when they're drunk.

Yeah, people can be really, REALLY, dumb sometimes.

A/N: ... so how's everyone's day...?

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