Chapter Twenty-Two

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"My mom booked us a room earlier in case we wanted to stay the night here. We need somewhere a bit more private to talk." Hyunjin said quietly, clearly trying to control his emotions.

Felix felt his eye's start to water up as the elevator went up. He didn't want to kiss Jeongin, it just happened all of the sudden. He didn't even realize at first! He would never risk Hyunjin's reputation like that!

Felix bit his lip as Hyunjin dragged him out of the elevator and down the hallway, suddenly nervous for his fate.

Hyunjin quickly pulled out a keycard, opening the door and quickly dragging them inside, shutting the door behind him.

"Listen Hyunjin, I swear I would never try and ruin-" Felix started to say, until he was pushed up against the door. Felix looked at Hyunjin in shock as the taller male stepped forward, pining Felix against the door.

Hyunjin moved impossibly closer to Felix, their faces just centimeters apart as Hyunjin stared into Felix's eyes.

Felix stared up at the man in confusion, the look in Hyunjin's eyes said anger, but Hyunjin's body said nothing but lust as he pressed up against Felix.

"Felix... Why do you do this to me?" Hyunjin said slowly, the slight growl in his voice catching Felix's attention.

"Hyunjin I swear I didn't want to kiss him." Felix explained again, more softly this time.

"No, not that. Why do you make me feel like this?" Hyunjin sighed and released his grip on Felix's wrists, placing his hands on either side of Felix's head, leaning in to whisper in Felix's ear, "Why do you want me want you so bad."

Felix swallowed, taking in those words. "What do you mean...?"

"God Felix, for weeks now I thought my attraction to you was simply that." Hyunjin chuckled dryly, "I thought it was just me being horny..."

Felix was slowly turning red as Hyunjin spoke, but he didn't interrupt, he wanted Hyunjin to finish explaining.

"I ignored all the thoughts that didn't go along with my narrative. All those times I simply pictured us watching movies together, going on cute little dates," Hyunjin paused before adding in the next part, "and how many times I pictured us having a family together. Two little kids and a puppy..."

Felix's mouth fell open as he stared up at Hyunjin, who's gaze was slowly turning softer, both of them starting to get teary-eyed.

"Felix I-, I don't know what was the matter with me... It wasn't until I saw him kissing you, kissing what was mine, that I realized how much I- I love you..."

A single tear fell down Felix's face as he heard those words. "You love me?" He asked softly.

Hyunjin smiled, tears starting to fall down his face as well. Hyunjin reached down, wiping the tears off of Felix's face as he said, "Please don't cry baby... I'm sorry that it took me this long to realize. God the idea of him taking you made me so mad. So mad at myself for being so god damn clueless."

Felix let out a small laugh, putting all of his energy into listening to what Hyunjin had to say.

"Lee Felix, I know that this is far past too late, but I love you so much, so I at least have to try." Hyunjin said carefully, making Felix raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Felix, will you give me another chance and be my boyfriend? For real this time."

Felix smiled brightly, "Yes Hyunjin, I would love to be your boyfriend."

Felix could barely get the words out of his mouth before he was picked up and spun around by Hyunjin. Hyunjin carefully set him down, immediately pulling him into a passionate kiss.

Their lips carefully moved togethering perfect harmony. This wasn't an act of lust like last time, simply passion and happiness.

Felix slowly pulled away from the kiss, reaching up to pull Hyunjin into a loving hug. Hyunjin happily wrapped his arms around Felix's waist, holding him as close as possible.

"So... I think I've been pretty nice to you today..."

"Shut up and get in the damn shower."

The End. ;)

A/N: Thank you so much to everyone who has voted, commented, and decided to take a chance at my story! I am very sorry to end this book, but I hope to start another soon!

Please tell me, do you guys think I should write a Jeonglix, Changlix, (Yes my bias x my bias wreckers ;D) or if you think I should do another Hyunlix! (Or any other ship of course!)

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