Chapter Eight

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The warm sunlight on his face woke Felix up the next morning. The small boy stretched his arms out with a yawn before very quickly remembering he wasn't alone.

Laying right behind him was a passed out Hyunjin with one arm securely around his stomach, as his other hand lay loosely on his waist.

Felix felt his face flush as he tried to pull himself out of Hyunjins grip, which only became tighter as Felix moved.

Felix huffed slightly as he eventually gave up escaping and instead accepted his fate.

Felix laid with his side pressed into Hyunjin, the warmth of the boy taking over the right side of his body as he laid there and scrolled through his phone, waiting for Hyunjin to wake up.

It took 30 more minutes of cuddling before Hyunjin finally started to wake up. The taller boy, still partially asleep, yawned as he stretched out.

Felix smiled as he thought he would finally be free. However, instead of opening his eyes, the sleepy Hyunjin moved even closer to Felix, burying his face into the side of Felix's neck.

The feeling of Hyunjins' hot breath made Felix's eyes go wide. "Uhm, Hyunjin, you should probably get up now." Felix stuttered out as he tried to push himself away from the cuddly Hyunjin.

"Mmm, 5 more minutes..." Hyunjin whined out, clearly not aware of his actions.

Felix gulped before he spoke again, "Hyunjin, we really should get up. Your parents are probably expecting us soon."

Hyunjin finally opened his eyes slightly as he picked up his head to look at who he was talking to. He immediately jumped back, his eyes wide as he realized that he was cuddling Felix.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking." He said quickly as he got up out of the bed, his face flushed in embarrassment.

Felix awkwardly smiled as he sat up, "Ah, it's okay, you were tired."

Hyunjin nodded his head carefully before responding, "Uhm, well, I'm going to wash my face, and then we can head downstairs for breakfast."

Felix nodded as he watched Hyunjin run off to the bathroom as he avoided eye contact. What a great start to the morning.

"Oh boys come join us!" Mrs. Hwang loudly said as the boys walked into the kitchen where her and Mr. Hwang were eating breakfast at the island. Hyunjin smiled as he walked over the his mom, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

Felix smiled brightly as he said, "Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Hwang." Mrs. Hwang lightly pinched Felix's cheek before pointing to the food on the counter.

"Help yourselves to whatever you want!" She said with a warm smile. Hyunjin grabbed two plates, handing one to Felix before loading up his plate with pancakes and fruits.

Hyunjin sat down beside his dad, leaving an open spot next to him for Felix as he said, "We shouldn't probably get going after breakfast. You guys have already kept Felix captive long enough."

Mrs. Hwang laughed lightly, "Well can you blame me? He's so cute!" She glanced over at Hyunjin with a mischievous smile as she continued "Don't you think so Hyunjin?"

Hyunjin choked on his pancake as his and Felix's eyes widened. "Mom~ Stop trying to embarrass me!" He whined loudly, trying to hide his red face.

"What? He's your boyfriend! I'm sure he already knows you think he's cute!" Mrs. Hwang yelled back at her son, enjoying her sons embarrassment.

Felix laughed softly before he spoke, "Well, I'm going to go get my clothes and such, we probably should leave in a few minutes because I'm meeting up with Changbin later." Hyunjin raised an eyebrow at the name Changbin, but before he could question the boy, he had already left the room.


"Thanks so much for having me Mr. and Mrs. Hwang! Your home is lovely!" Felix said as the older pair walked the boys out.

Mr. Hwang smiled softly, "Please come back anytime Felix! You are always welcome at our home."

Mrs. Hwang loudly whispered to Felix as she said, "Next time you'll have to come hang out with me and we'll ditch the other two!" Getting a nice eyeroll from Hyunjin and his dad.

Hyunjin opened Felix's door for him, helping him get in the passenger seat,waving to his parents one last time before driving off.

"Well you have officially met my parents!" Hyunjin said with a smile as he glanced over at Felix who was also smiling. Felix nodded his head, suddenly feeling very tired.

Hyunjin hesitated for a second before he spoke again. "So... You're hanging out with someone named Changbin today?"

Felix nodded his head, "Yeah he's coming over to help me study for my calculus test next week."

"Oh, well if you ever need help with studying I can always help too, I'm pretty good at math." Hyunjin said carefully.

Felix smirked as he raised an eyebrow, "Are you jealous over there Hwang?"

"Huh? What are you talking about. I'm just trying to repay you for helping me." Hyunjin defensively said, looking away from Felix.

Felix laughed before patting Hyunjins hand a few times. "Don't worry lover boy, I've been friends with Changbin for years now, he's like a brother to me."

Hyunjin scoffed, "Just be careful, I know how guys get around pretty boys like you. You may see him as a brother, but he might see you very differently. I don't need him ruining this whole thing we've made up by sweet talking you or anything."

Felix paused for a moment before jokingly saying, "You think I'm pretty?"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes at the smirk spreading across Felix's face. "Okay that was not the point! Yes, Felix you are very pretty. Just be careful okay?"

Felix's playful smirk turned into a soft, genuine smile as he quietly said "I will... Thank you Jinnie."

"Yeah yeah whatever. Now lets get you home so I can get all my clothes back."


A/N: And that is another chapter done! I'm trying to not make things speed up too fast, while also not making it take forever. So please let me know if you think it's too fast or slow! Please vote and comment! Thanks for supporting!

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