Chapter Six

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"Alright Felix! I hope you're ready to do some cooking! I was thinking of making a chicken and dumpling soup?" Mrs. Hwang proposed as she started taking out ingredients. However she stopped as she loudly said "Oh dear how are you going to cook in such nice clothes! They'll be ruined!"

Felix looked down, suddenly remembering his revealing shirt. Before he could say anything Mrs. Hwang said "Wait a second, isn't that Hyunjin's shirt? I think I bought it for him when we visited Paris."

Felix shyly nodded his head as he explained "Oh yeah, this is Hyunjin's shirt. He came over to my apartment before this to help me pick out an outfit. He brought this shirt over just incase we didn't like anything of mine." Mrs. Hwang smiled at how Felix's nervously explained while playing with the hem of his jacket.

The woman reassured Felix as she explained, "It's okay Felix, I wasn't mad. I'm just thinking that if he's letting you wear this shirt of his, he'll be fine letting you wear one of his T-shirts. He left a few things here when he moved out, I'm sure one of those will do fine!" Once again she motioned for him to follow her as she walked towards a large staircase.

She turned left at the top of the stairs and opened the door to a large bedroom as she said. "His closet is over there, please feel free to pick out anything you feel comfortable in! I'm actually going to change myself! Such pretty clothes need to be kept nice." She gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder before heading back down the hall way.

Felix closed the bedroom door and opened Hyunjin's closet. It was mainly filled with random graphic t-shirts and hoodies. Felix picked out a simple black sweatshirt, checking the tag to make sure it wasn't some expensive brand. He took off his jacket and the shirt, folding the shirt nicely and placing it on Hyunjin's bed. He slipped the black sweatshirt on and grabbed his jacket before heading back downstairs to the kitchen.

Mrs. Hwang still wasn't done changing so Felix stood at the counter, scrolling through his phone.


"Whatever, dad, let's just go join mom and Felix, I'm sure you want to get to know him too."

"Alright son, I'll just use the bathroom quickly, I'll meet you guys in there." Hyunjin nodded before walking to the kitchen, half expecting to see Felix being interviewed by his mother.

He walked through the entry way to see Felix standing alone in the kitchen, he faced away from Hyunjin as he leaned back against the counter. But that wasn't the only thing he noticed.


Felix scrolled through Instagram, focused on all the different things people had been uploading when Hyunjin suddenly appeared Infront of him, putting one of his hands on each side of the counter so Felix was trapped in between the counter and Hyunjin.

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow as he quietly said "Is that my sweatshirt?"

Felix flushed as he tried and failed to push Hyunjin away. "Your mom said it was fine if I wore something of yours so I wouldn't get the nice clothes messy." Felix stuttered out, feeling very flustered with their position.

Hyunjin's playful smirk turned into a genuine smile as his hands moved from the counter down to Felix's waist, pulling him into a tight hug. Hyunjin put his head down on Felix's shoulder as he mumbled against Felix's neck. "Thank you Felix."

Felix smiled lightly as he hugged Hyunjin back. "For what?"

"Just for being here. Not just physically being here, but also for supporting my decision and listening to me." Hyunjin said, clearly feeling very overwhelmed because of his conversation with his dad.

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