Chapter Thirteen

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"Hey guys!" Han yelled once he saw the couple walking over to him. Felix and Hyunjin said their quick hello's to both Han and Minho, who was dancing not very far away from Han.

Hyunjin and Felix danced along to the music, both of them starting to feel a bit tipsy. Hyunjin's hands mischievously pulled the clueless Felix closer to his body, Felix's hands naturally fell into place on Hyunjin's torso as he sang along to the music.

Hyunjin felt hot. After 20 minutes, him and Felix were still dancing just as close, possibly even closer. Hyunjin could feel Felix body against his, along with his small hands gripping Hyunjin shirt. Hyunjin held onto Felix's waist tightly, not quite sure what he should do.

After a few more minutes of dancing like this, Hyunjin had an idea. Hyunjin's hand slowly made its way to the bottom of Felix's flowy shirt. Carefully, Hyunjin slipped his hand under Felix's shirt, making his way back to Felix's waist.

Hyunjin watched with a small smirk as Felix reacted to Hyunjin's cold hands with a shiver. However, Felix didn't move Hyunjin's hand or pull away, instead, he continued dancing.

Hyunjin's smirk grew even bigger when he realized that Felix wasn't going to stop him. Hyunjin moved his hand against Felix's body, feeling every little curve and shape on his torso and sides. He watched Felix squirm slightly at the feeling of his hands.

Once the music slowed down, Hyunjin finally took his hands out of Felix's shirt, laughing slightly at the flustered boy in front of him. Hyunjin wrapped his arms around Felix, pulling him impossibly closer into a hug. Felix relaxed into the hug for a second before quickly pulling away. "You okay?" Hyunjin asked softly, suddenly feeling cold.

"Yeah, uhm, I'm just going to get another drink." Felix said quickly, avoiding Hyunjin's concerned eyes.

"Oh well, I can go with you if you want?" Hyunjin asked, confused at Felix's sudden change.

Felix shook his head, "No, I'll be okay, you should go find some of your friends or something." And with that, Felix left.

Hyunjin stood alone, watching Felix break through the crowds of people. I guess he could dance with Han and Minho?

Hyunjin turned around to see Han dancing against Minho in a way Hyunjin didn't really want to see. Yep time to find someone else to hang out with!

Hyunjin made his way through the crowd, looking for someone he felt like talking to. He smiled once he found Seungmin, quickly walking over to the boy. "Hey Seungmin! How are you liking the party?"

Seungmin's eyes lit up once he saw Hyunjin, "It's great! I was actually just looking for you! I think some of us are going to play truth or dare!"

"Sign me up!" Hyunjin yelled before following Seungmin back into the living room where a circle of people were gathered. Hyunjin looked around and saw most of his friend group already gathered around along with some other random people, Ji-woo, and even Wooyoung.

Hyunjin's eyes widened slightly when he met Felix's gaze across the circle. Hyunjin smiled and walked over to the boy, sitting down next to him as he asked, "Hey, I thought you were getting another drink?"

Felix looked down at his lap as he replied, "Yeah, I was." He pointed to the boy beside him as he continued, "Jeongin begged me to join the game though."

Hyunjin frowned at Felix's reserved answer. "Are you sure you're alright? We can go home if you're tired or anything?"

Felix glanced up at Hyunjin before giving him a sweet smile. "It's okay Hyun, I just need a moment to think, that's all."

Hyunjin nodded his head before turning his attention to Jeongin, who loudly announced, "Alright! Let's get this thing going! Mina! Truth or dare?"

"Truth!" A girl from across the circle yelled back.

"Uhm, who is your favorite person in this circle?" Jeongin asked, excited for the drama.

"Oh, uh, maybe Jisoo?" She said, looking over at the dark haired girl beside her.

The game continued for a few minutes, several people drunkenly confessing things they probably shouldn't have.

"Hyunjin, truth or dare?" Seungmin asked, a mischievous look in his eye.

Hyunjin hesitated for a second before responding, "Dare."

Seungmin winked at his friend, "Well then! I dare you to give Felix a hickey." A series of "oohh's" were heard from the group of people as both Hyunjin and Felix's eye's widened.

"Wait,what?" Hyunjin asked, making sure he heard his friend right.

"Come on! Just one little mark! He's your boyfriend, I'm sure you guys have already done stuff like that!" Someone from the crowd said.

Hyunjin looked over at the bright red Felix, who was already looking at Hyunjin with an awkward expression on his face. After a second, Felix slightly nodded at Hyunjin, signally that it would be okay.

Hyunjin was originally planning on leave an innocent little mark on Felix, nothing too showy. Well, that was until Ji-woo decided to open her mouth. "Oh come on, I mean he clearly doesn't want to put his mouth anywhere close to that trash! Why make Hyunjin suffer?" She said loudly as she laughed with her friends.

And maybe it was Ji-woos comment. Maybe it was finding out that Wooyoung had a crush on Felix. Or maybe it was simply the alcohol that made all of Hyunjin's morals disappear in that instance.

In one swift movement, Hyunjin moved Felix onto his lap, pulling down his shirt to expose Felix's collar bone. He held Felix's hips firmly as his lips latched onto the youngers skin, sending a firework of feelings through Hyunjin's body.

Hyunjin sucked hard on his skin, finding pleasure in the small gasps that escaped Felix's mouth. When Hyunjin finally stopped, he admired the dark purple and red mark. He softly kissed the mark, looking up at Felix, who was just staring at Hyunjin with his mouth slightly opened.

Hyunjin released his grip on Felix, letting the boy go back to his spot beside him. Hyunjin smirked at all the shocked faces in front of them.

"Holy shit that was so hot." Jisoo said quietly, causing everyone else to nod.

Hyunjin wasn't done yet though. "Ji-woo. Truth or dare?"

The girl stiffened at Hyunjin's sudden change in topic, trying to hide her rage as she sweetly said, "Truth."

"Why are you such a bitch?"

Author Note: . How's everyone feeling? :D IN ALL SERIOUSNESS THOUGH I don't know what came over me but I was just in the mood for just a bit more spice... Hope you guys like it!

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