Chapter Twenty-Three (Encore)

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Felix's eyes opened slowly due to the warm feeling of sunlight on his face. It was the morning after all of the drama, and Felix felt nothing but happiness.

The smile on his face grew even more when he looked down and saw the shirtless Hyunjin sleeping on his chest, his arms around Felix's waist.

Everything was just perfect. And as much as Felix would have loved laying here with Hyunjin all day, there was still one more thing he had to take care of.

He slowly pulled himself away from Hyunjin, immediately feeling the cold air against his bare skin. And yes, that was because kissing wasn't the only thing the new couple did last night.

Felix quickly slipped on his clothes from yesterday, wishing he had something more comfortable to change into.

He quickly wrote down a note for Hyunjin, leaving it on the bedside table before leaving.

As Felix waited for his taxi back to his house, he typed out a message.

Felix: Hey Jeongin. Meet me at the campus café in an hour. We need to talk.

Felix sighed softly as he watched his taxi pull up to where he was standing. As they drove, Felix prepared himself for what he was going to say to Jeongin.

Hopefully he wouldn't be too upset.

After a quick shower and a change of clothes, Felix arrived at the café, only a few minutes early. He was nervous, to say the least.

Almost perfectly on time, Jeongin walked into the café with a small smile on his face.

Felix felt his heart break for the younger. Sure, it was wrong of him to kiss Felix without any warning. But he couldn't help but feel bad for him.

Jeongin sat down across from Felix, reaching out and holding Felix's hand as he spoke, "Hey Lix. How'd it go last night with Hyunjin?"

Felix inhaled deeply, pulling his hand away from Jeongin as he replied, "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about."

Jeongin nodded carefully, urging Felix to go on.

"Hyunjin and I are actually dating now." Felix explained carefully, feeling nervous for Jeongins reaction.

Jeongin's smile faltered. He looked down at his hands for a moment, processing the information.

After a second, he finally looked up again and said, "Oh, that's good, right?"

While Jeongin tried to make it seem like it was okay, Felix could hear his voice breaking.

Felix felt the guilt weigh down on his heart as he watched Jeongins eyes start to water. "I'm sorry, Jeongin. You mean the world to me, just not like that."

Jeongin gave Felix a sad smile, "I'm sorry for kissing you."

Felix bit his lip, wondering what he should say.

"I'm not going to say, 'it's okay,' because that kiss shouldn't have happened." Felix started explaining, "But, I do forgive you." He added on, seeing the equally regretful and grateful look in Jeongins eyes.

Jeongin managed to whisper out a 'thank you' before the tears started streaming down his face.

Felix immediately jumped up, pulling jeongin into a hug.

It was times like this, Felix suddenly remembered that he was older than Jeongin.

Jeongin was always much taller and bigger than Felix. But in this moment, as Jeongin cried into Felix's shoulder, Felix finally saw Jeongin as his little brother.

When Jeongin finally pulled away from Felix a second later, tears still stained his face, but no more fell.

Felix smiled sadly, "I'm sorry Jeongin, I hate seeing you so upset. You are still my best friend."

Jeongin firmly placed his hands on Felix's shoulders as he spoke, "Does he make you happy?" He suddenly asked.

Felix nodded his head, "He does. He really does."

Jeongin smiled, "If you're happy, then I'm happy."

Felix pulled Jeongin into another tight hug, "Thank you, Jeongin."

"Of course. And don't worry about me, I'll be okay after some time." Jeongin spoke softly, honestly wishing the best for his friend.


Felix carefully unlocked his apartment door, excited for the pajamas that waited in the other room.

However, when he opened the door, he immediately hit with the comforting sent of food.

Felix raised an eyebrow in confusion as he looked around his apartment. All of the lights were off, revealing a trail of small candles that formed a pathway.

Felix smiled softly, putting his things down and following the path of candles into his living room.

The coffee table that sat in front of the couch was decorated nicely with flowers, candles, and most importantly, food.

Hyunjin stood in front of his surprise, a faint smile on his face as he walked up to the shocked Felix, wrapping him in a tight hug.

"Welcome home, love." He whispered softly, pulling away from the hug to lead Felix over to the 'inside picnic.'

"How the hell did you get into my house?" Felix asked breathlessly, sitting down on the couch, watching as Hyunjin sat down beside him.

Hyunjin smiled, "Spare key under the doormat is a classic. It was the first place I checked."

Felix flushed red, gently shoving Hyunjin's shoulder as he eyed all the food. "Still, what is all this?"

"Our first date." Hyunjin replied calmly, making Felix blush even redder.

"This is so cute." Felix started to speak, shamelessly adding on, "Can we eat now?"

Hyunjin laughed lightly, "Of course, love. I already grabbed chopsticks and plates.

The couple quietly made their plates, enjoying the silence together as they started to eat.


Felix laid back against Hyunjins chest as they watched a movie, "Aww! Hyunjin look at the little boy! He's so cute and little!"

Hyunjin hummed softly, a smile resting on his face as he added, "It makes me excited to have kids."

Felix didn't think much of it as he agreed. "I know right..." He softly spoke out.

At that statement, Hyunjin suddenly placed a gently kiss on Felix's neck.

Felix chuckled softly, "What was that for?"

Hyunjin shrugged, "I don't know, I was just thinking about something."

Felix raised en eyebrow as he turned to face Hyunjin, "Oh really? What did you realize."

"That I'm going to marry you someday."

Felix's mouth dropped open as he stuttered out, "We just started dating yesterday. You shouldn't say those things yet."

Hyunjin shrugged, the smile on his face only growing bigger, "What? It's true."

Felix flushed red, leaning forward and resting his head against Hyunjins shoulder. "Okay."

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow as he pulled Felix forward onto his lap in a straddling postions. He sighed into his boyfriends hair, whispering softly, "I love you Felix."

Felix smiled softly, "I love you too, Hyunjin."

A/N: Hopefully this is what you guys were looking for! I wasn't really sure what to put in here, but I hope you like it!

For anyone who liked this book, I am currently writing another HyunLix book if you want to give it a try!

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