Chapter Twenty-One

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The drive to the event was filled with upbeat songs and light conversations to try and distract both Felix and Hyunjin from their day so far.

"Oh, what is this event for anyways?" Felix gently asked, glancing over at Hyunjin, who was driving.

"Ah, I'm honestly not sure. Old rich people love making up random reasons to show off all their expensive stuff and how well their kids are doing." Hyunjin replied casually, seeming like he was used to things like this.

Felix nodded his head, "That sounds boring."

"That's why I brought you. All those old geezers can finally talk to me about something I actually want to talk about; how amazing you are." Hyunjin glanced over at Felix with a smile.

"That mouth of yours is going to get you smacked one of these days."

"Nah, one of these days my mouth is going to convince you to a friends with benefits situation." Hyunjin replied with a light laugh.

Felix's smile faltered as those words sunk in. That's right, Hyunjin wasn't actually flirting with him, all Hyunjin wanted was friends with benefits. God, how could he let himself forget such a thing.

"You okay Felix? You're pretty quite over there." Hyunjin asked carefully, clearly confused about the boy's sudden silence.

Felix put on a smile as he said, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired after a long day."

Hyunjin glanced over at Felix a few more times, clearly seeing that something else was wrong, but not wanting to push it too much.

After a few more minutes of driving in silence, they finally arrived at the fancy hotel that the event was held in. Felix's eyes just about popped out of his head as he saw all of the expensive looking people walking into the building. How was he supposed to fit in with them?

Hyunjin reached over and grabbed Felix's hand lightly before whispering, "Don't bother worrying about them baby, nobody here comes close to being as beautiful as you." Hyunjin smiled before bringing Felix's hand up to his mouth and placing a small peck on his knuckle.

Felix's heart did a little flip at the gesture. Hyunjin's way of acting so intimate was starting to drive Felix crazy. How was he supposed to remember that this boy didn't actually want to be with him?

Hyunjin got out of the car, quickly running over to open Felix's door and help him out. Felix could feel people's eyes on them as Hyunjin linked their arms. Who could blame them though? Hyunjin and Felix were perfection. They were the living definition of beautiful.

Felix wore a warm brown suit that wrapped around his torso in a way that showed off his small waist. He paired it with nice black boots and a black tie that went perfectly with his dark brown hair.

Hyunjin was dressed a bit more simple with a white button up shirt, plant dress pants, and a dark black overcoat. Thanks to Felix, Hyunjin's black hair was styled nicely across his forehead, similar to the style of Felix's hair.

Hyunjin leaned down to whisper, "Don't pay any attention to any of the looks, show them how amazing you are."

Felix nodded, keeping a faint smile on his face as he walked into the building with Hyunjin. Several tables were laced through the entry hall, each of them beautifully decorated with flowers and other little items.

Almost instantly, Felix caught sight of the Hwangs, who looked like they were trapped in an uncomfortably long conversation with an older man.

Hyunjin turned to face Felix with a light smile as he said, "I'm going to get us some drinks, you want to go over and save my parents?"

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