Chapter Fifteen

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The next two months were a bit different for the "couple." They acted all affectionate and loving in front of everyone else, but alone was a different story. For weeks now Felix had been refusing to hangout with Hyunjin, and only texted or called him if it was necessary. And it was driving Hyunjin fucking crazy.

Every time Hyunjin asked him to hangout it was always "I'm busy" or "I'm really tired tonight." However, no matter how many times Hyunjin asked, Felix always said nothing was wrong.

Felix sat slouched down at his desk in History class, sleepily drumming his fingers on his desk as he waited for his class to be over. "Alright guys! That's it for today!" His professor finally said, clearly tired herself.

Felix quickly stood up, gathering his books and papers when he suddenly heard a voice. "Hey Lixie! Want to walk with me?" Felix turned to look at the taller boy that stood behind him smiling.

"Hey Jeongin! Yeah we can walk together," Felix said happily.

Ever since the party, Felix and Jeongin had gotten closer. Felix would even consider Jeongin one of his best friends now!

Jeongin smiled once more as Felix grabbed his bag and walked over to where Jeongin was standing. As they walked the boys caught each other up on everything and anything, however, Jeongin quickly noticed that Felix was a bit distracted by his phone.

"You alright Felix?" Jeongin asked hesitantly, not wanting to upset the boy.

"Hmm? Yeah I'm alright, It's just Hyunjin..." Felix responded carefully, trying not to accidentally reveal himself.

Jeongin nodded before motioning towards one of the outdoor tables, "Want to talk about it?"

Felix hesitated for a second before nodding his head and following Jeongin to one of the tables and sitting down beside him.

Felix sighed opening his mouth to speak and then closing it a second later. Jeongin waited patiently, not wanting to rush the older.

"Okay, what I am about to tell you absolutely cannot leave the two of us..." Felix whispered to Jeongin, clearly nervous about something.

Jeongin nodded, placing his hand over Felix's in support.

"Hyunjin and I aren't actually dating... It's all been fake so that his dad wont force him to marry Ji-woo." Felix said quickly, trying to get it over with.

Jeongin's mouth fell open as he stared at Felix with wide eyes. "Wait, what?"

Felix nodded his head, tears starting to roll down his face. "That's not everything Jeongin..." Pulling Felix into a hug, Jeongin patiently waited for Felix to continue. "I like him. And sometimes I think he may like me too, but then he goes and says stuff like 'It's just to make people believe us' and tells me that I'm such a great friend."

The slow tears streaming down Felix's face turned into gut wrenching sobs as he curled into Jeongin's body. For weeks, months even, Felix had been denying the fact that he liked Hyunjin, and now it felt real. He had said it out loud, to a living being. There was no denying it now, Felix had a crush on his fake boyfriend.

Jeongin sighed, carefully wiping the tears off Felix's face. Jeongin grabbed both of Felix's hands as he quietly said, "Okay Lixie, calm down. We can figure this out, but I need you to be calm."

Felix nodded his head, slowing down his breathing.

"Okay Lix, I have to ask," Jeongin continued on, "Is this why you haven't been hanging out with Hyunjin lately?"

Felix's eyes went wide, "Wait, you noticed that?"

A small smile spread across Jeongin's face, "Well, yeah. We all kind of noticed that you guys weren't really hanging out anymore. To be honest though, it doesn't make much sense to me..."

Felix raised an eyebrow as Jeongin's voice trailed off, "What do you mean by that? Why doesn't it make sense? I have a crush on someone who has friend zoned me in so many different ways. Jeongin he literally has our breakup planned out."

Jeongin laughed slightly, "Okay, let me explain." Felix nodded his head as Jeongin explained. "Sure, Hyunjin may not like you now, but how are you going to ever win him over if you only talk to him when you absolutely have to?"


"HOLY SHIT WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?" Felix yelled, annoyed at himself for being so clueless.

Jeongin laughed before yelling back, "I know! We've got to do something about this!"

Felix nodded, feeling better now. "Yeah, I should go find him! You're the best!" Felix jumped up out of his seat, only to be quickly pulled back by Jeongin.

"Woah woah woah. Slow down there Lix." Jeongin said with a smile. "Let's think about this for a second. You said Hyunjin has been friend zoning you and being confusing right?" Felix nodded, slowly sitting back down.

Jeongin smiled mischievously as he explained, "So, why don't we show him what he's missing? Send a text to the group inviting everyone to hangout, but while we're there just spend time with me. And make sure to mention that I know you guy's aren't together. I promise it will drive him crazy."

A smile spread across Felix's face, this was going to be an interesting night.

Felix: Hey guys! Does everyone want to hangout at mine tonight?

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