Chapter Twenty

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"Hyunjin! You really don't have to pay!" Felix whined, trying to escape Hyunjin's grip. With one arm, Hyunjin handed the cashier his card and all of their clothes, with the other arm, Hyunjin held Felix prisoner. Literally.

Hyunjin held Felix's squirmy body against his own, making sure to hold his arms down as well so he couldn't give the lady his card. From far away it looked like a weird hug, but it was really a hostage situation.

After Hyunjin's purchase went through, Felix finally stopped squirming and sighed. "Hyunjin, you really didn't have to do that."

Hyunjin grabbed the bag with their clothes, wrapping his other arm around Felix as well, looking down at the boy as he replied, "I don't care. I like taking care of you."

Felix huffed dramatically, "Fine. Now let me go your creep! It's not like I can pay for it again!"

Hyunjin smirked, "No, but I'm quite comfortable."

Felix looked over at the cashier for help, but the lady was looked at the pair with an amused smile before walking away.

Knowing he would have to solve the situation himself, Felix looked up at Hyunjin with his biggest puppy eyes, stealing his arms away from Hyunjin to wrap them around the taller's neck. He softly pushed his body against Hyunjin's as he gently said, "Hyun, please let me go now. I promise I'll be good now~"

It was like Felix hit an 'off' button. Hyunjin's face instantly turned red, his eyes went wide, his mouth dropped open, and most importantly, Hyunjin's grip went weak.

Felix quickly broke out of Hyunjin's arm, a proud smile on his face as he looked up at the baffled Hyunjin.

Hyunjin stood there for a second before quietly saying, "Damn... That was hot, not gonna lie."

"I know. Now take the clothes and follow me, I still need to shower and get ready." Felix said proudly, walking away in confidence, not bothering to turn around because he knew Hyunjin would follow him.

(Walk him like a dog babes)


Felix burst through his front door as he said, "Okay we only have an hour and a half before we have to leave. You are welcome to get ready here, I am going to go shower. I'll try to be quick so you can shower too if you want."

"You know we'd save so much time if we shower together?" Hyunjin asked, trying to sound innocent.

Felix paused for a second before saying, "Yeah, that's not going to happen Hyunjin."

Hyunjin smiled as he loudly said, "You thought about it! I saw that!"

Felix gave Hyunjin an 'I'm so over this bitch' smile before saying, "You're right. I thought about it and decided I didn't want to show up in front of your parents with a bunch of hickeys. So no."

"Hold on I'm texting and telling them not to come right now."

"No way Hyunjin."

"So tonight?"

Felix smirked slightly as he said, "Depends on how nice you are to me." With a quick wink before disappearing into his bathroom.

For the 2nd time that day, Hyunjin's mouth hung open at something Felix said.

Hyunjin waited patiently for Felix to get out of the shower. And by that, I mean he spent the entire 15 minutes Felix was in the shower, trying to get rid of the red tint that was permanently stained on his face.

Hyunjin was determined to not show how much that comment effected him. After all, he was the flirty one, not Felix. However, his plan went out the window when Felix stepped outside of his bedroom.

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