Chapter Sixteen

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Hyunjin: I'll be there!

Felix smiled at Hyunjin's quick response before turning his phone and showing Jeongin.

"This is going to be great." The younger announced mischievously.


Felix and Jeongin sat on his couch, planning their night when a knock was heard. "Oh? Isn't it a bit early for everyone to get here?" Felix asked Jeongin as he got up to answer the door.

"I bet I can guess who it is." Jeongin snickered lightly.

Felix opened the door carefully, "Oh Hyunjin! Why are you here so early?" Felix tried not to smile as he heard Jeongin laughing behind him somewhere.

"Oh I just figured I would help you get ready for everyone to come over and all that," Hyunjin replied calmly, peering behind Felix as he continued talking. "Wait, is someone else here?"

Felix smiled before opening the door and motioning for Hyunjin to come in. "Yeah, Jeongin helped me set up everything..." Felix's voice trailed off as he explained, suddenly feeling a bit guilty.

"Oh..." Hyunjin said awkwardly, eyeing Jeongin who was relaxing on the couch.

Felix walked over to the living room with Hyunjin just behind him. Felix sat down beside Jeongin on the smaller couch, leaving Hyunjin to sit by himself on the other couch. Felix realized that it was probably a little mean to treat Hyunjin like this, but Jeongin was right, if Felix kept letting Hyunjin use the friend excuse, they were never going to get anywhere.

"Hey Hyunjin!" Jeongin said with a smile as he draped his arm around Felix's shoulder.

Hyunjin smiled softly. "Hey Jeongin, I didn't know you guys were so close," Hyunjin stated carefully, feeling a bit confused. "Uhm, love are you sure you don't need any help with anything?" He asked, trying to subtly remind Felix about their "relationship."

"Oh! I totally forgot to tell you! There's no need for any of those nicknames or anything around Jeongin, he knows that we aren't really dating." Felix said quickly, trying to get it over with.

Hyunjin's mouth fell open for a moment before he looked over at Jeongin, "Uhm you aren't going to tell my parents or anyone, right?"

Jeongin glanced at Felix before looking back at Hyunjin and assuring him, "No I swear I wont tell anyone!" Hyunjin nodded his head, noticing how awkward it felt.

A few seconds of silence passed through before Felix jumped up. "So, who wants a drink?"




Hyunjin stood in Felix's kitchen, ignoring whatever story Han was drunkenly telling him. It had been two hours since he had showed up at Felix's apartment, by now the rest of their friends had joined them, and most of the boys were already feeling quite drunk.

Jisung went on and on, but the only thing Hyunjin could focus on was Jeongin's arm around Felix's waist. I mean, what were they thinking? They were making it so obvious that he wasn't really dating Felix.

Hyunjin watched as the pair stood there talking and laughing together. He was glad it was only their drunk friends around, because if anyone else saw this, they would probably think that Felix was dating Jeongin and not him. The simple thought of this made Hyunjin's throat feel tight. Time to get another drink then.

Hyunjin poured himself a drink carefully, making sure not to spill any. Was Jeongin why Felix hadn't been spending time with him lately? What if this new friendship between them ruins all of the effort Hyunjin has spent making sure people believe that Felix and him were actually dating?

There were so many scenarios running through Hyunjin's mind, that he didn't even notice that someone was walking over to him until he was standing right in front of him.

"Oh, Jeongin. Shouldn't you be over there with Felix?" Hyunjin said, trying not to sound too bitter.

Jeongin sighed before placing a hand on Hyunjin's shoulder. "Hyunjin, I'm going to give you some advice and I really hope you'll listen to me."

Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Yeah, of course. What's up?"

"You need to seriously figure out how you feel about Felix." The younger stated firmly.

Hyunjin scoffed slightly, "What do you mean by that? I know how I feel about Felix, he's my friend. I think you're just getting confused. Listen, just because we may act like a real couple doesn't mean I-"

Jeongin cut off Hyunjin, "Don't even pull that shit with me Hyung, you've been staring at him all night. Hyunjin I can tell when you're lying, you make it so painfully obvious to everyone around you. But the fact is, I would have never guessed that you feel anything other than love for that boy until Felix told me about your agreement today."

Rolling his eye's, Hyunjin defended himself by saying, "The only reason I've been watching you guys is because I don't need your wandering hands ruining everything I've spent so much time figuring out. I mean, really? All the touching and grabbing, is that really necessary? I'm just saying, don't you think I would know if I liked someone?"

Jeongin smiled softly, "You know what Hyunjin, maybe you're right. Maybe I am overthinking and getting mixed signals from you. But I am going to warn you right now, if the end of the summer comes and you have not claimed him to be yours, I will. And if not me, than Wooyoung. And if not Wooyoung, then some other guy or girl in this school. Now I want you to sit here and picture Felix in someone else's arms, kissing someone else, wearing someone else's clothes, and laying in someone else's bed. Now if you can't be happy for him when imagining that, then you need to rethink some of your decisions."

And with that, Jeongin smiled at Hyunjin once more before wandering away. Hyunjin stood there with his mouth slightly agape for a moment, processing everything Jeongin had just said. Jeongin had a crush on Felix?

As Hyunjin stood there thinking about what Jeongin said, something in his head clicked. Sure, Jeongin might have a crush on Felix, but according to everyone else, Felix was still his.

Hyunjin downed his drink quickly before making his way over to where Felix, Jeongin, and the rest of their friends were hanging out.

"Hey baby!" Hyunjin said loudly, making sure that all of their friends could hear. Hyunjin wrapped his arm around Felix's waist, pulling him away from Jeongin, and up against his body.

Hyunjin gently pulled Felix against the front of his body, gripping Felix's waist firmly as he bent down to whisper, "Come with me love."

The light blush that spread across Felix's face made Hyunjin want to scream out, "TAKE THAT JEONGIN!" But he had something much more important to take care of. Hyunjin led Felix out of the living room and back into the privacy of Felix's bedroom, making sure to shut and lock the door.

A crazy smile spread across Hyunjin's face as he looked down at the confused Felix. Hyunjin slowly walked forward until he had pinned Felix against his bedroom door. "Felix..." Hyunjin said quietly as he stared into Felix's eyes.

"Yes, Jinnie?"

"Can I kiss you?"

"Yes, Jinnie."

A/N: You're Welcome ;)

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