Chapter Nineteen

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Felix sighed loudly as he scanned through his closet for the thousandth time. He had already been looking through for an hour, and he was yet to find anything good enough for a big fancy event with a bunch of rich people.

Unfortunately, he knew exactly what he had to do. Luckily he had planned ahead this time and the event wasn't until later that night.

Felix sat down on his bed, clicking on Hyunjin's profile and hitting the call button.

Hyunjin picked up after the second ring, happily answering with, "Hey Lix! What's up?"

An embarrassed smile spread across Felix's face as he responded. "Hey Hyunjin. I was wondering if you'd want to help me do some shopping for the event tonight? There's nothing in my closet that would work and I don't even know where to start."

A small chuckle was heard on the other end of the call. "I was wondering if you were going to ask about that again." Hyunjin said, a clear smirk in his voice.

"Hey! Don't tease me or I wont go with you!" Felix defensively replied, ignoring the huge smile that was on his face.

Hyunjin laughed again, louder this time, before responding. "Sure Lix, I'll pick you up in 20 minutes. We can go to that mall by the university. I was planning on buying something new for tonight anyways. Now we can go together!"

Felix's eyes about popped out if his head, "That mall?! That place is so fancy!"

"Only the best for you, love."

"... I'll see you in 20 minutes."

Felix quickly hung up the call, trying to calm the redness of his face. Felix looked around his apartment as he fanned his face, suddenly realizing how messy it was. Why does he always do this to himself?

Felix quickly picked up his apartment and got ready. He put on a simple black hoodie and some oversized jeans, happy with his outfit and how his apartment looked.

It didn't take much longer for Hyunjin to arrive, knocking on the front door before walking inside. Hyunjin smiled once he saw Felix relaxing out on the couch. He walked over to the boy, who was wrapping up a game on his phone.

Hyunjin looked down at Felix, ruffling his hair lightly before saying, "Aww! Look at my cute boyfriend!"

Felix turned red once more, pushing Hyunjin's hand away as he grumbled, "You don't need to do that."

"I know." Hyunjin happily replied, offering a hand to help Felix up.

The hand was not so happily accepted by Felix, who walked right past Hyunjin saying, "Alright! Let's get to shopping!"


Felix's eye's shone like stars as he looked out at all of the expensive shops. "This is going to put me in so much debt, but it's going to be so worth it." Felix said, almost starstruck.

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow as he looked down at the boy, "Who said you're paying? I'm the one making you come, I'm going to pay."

"What? I'm not going to make you pay for me Hyunjin." Felix said quickly.

Hyunjin smirked, quickly changing the subject as he replied with, "Come on baby lets go start looking. We don't have that much time until the event."

Felix scowled slightly, wanting to argue more but knowing that Hyunjin was right. They only had a few hours until they needed to leave.

"Come on Felix, let's start at this store over here." Hyunjin said with a faint smile, casually grabbing Felix's hand.

Felix and Hyunjin scanned through the clothing, each grabbing out a few pieces for themselves. Once they had quite a big collection going, they made their way over to the changing rooms. They both got a changing room right across from each other.

Luckily, there wasn't really anyone else there, so the boys were able to loudly talk to each other from their changing rooms.

"Hey Hyunjin? Can you tell me what you think about this suit? I can't tell if I love or hate it." Felix asked gently, opening the door and waiting for Hyunjin.

"Sure, one sec." Hyunjin responded, opening the door to his room, revealing a very shirtless Hyunjin.

Felix's eyes went wide, "Hyunjin! You're in public!"

Hyunjin chuckled softly before stepping closer to Felix. "Are you trying to keep me all to yourself? If that's the case then slide over. I wouldn't mind sharing a changing room."

"Stop flirting and tell me if you like this suit." Felix said calmly, ignoring the heat he felt on his face.

"I'd like it a lot better crumbled up on the floor."


Hyunjin huffed dramatically before retreating back to his room, happy with himself. "Being serious though, I would definitely wear something else. That color doesn't suit you."

"Hmm, okay Hyun." Felix replied happily.

Hyunjin smiled softly, putting on another suit, but slightly zoning out as he listened to Felix hum to himself. Hyunjin's smile faltered a bit when he heard the soft thud of clothing hit the floor a few feet away from him.

Hyunjin couldn't help but think about what the clothing on the floor meant. Just a few feet away, inches even, was a practically naked Lee Felix. Hyunjin couldn't help but imagining the sight, suddenly remembering Felix's perfectly toned abs.

Hyunjin took a deep breath trying to focus on anything else. Sure, Hyunjin loved making flirty jokes with Felix, but everyone once in a while, Hyunjin can't help but actually imagining some of the stuff he jokes about. Not to mention the dream he had the other night too...

"Okay Hyunjin, come look at this suit. I really like this one!" Hyunjin's thoughts were interrupted by the happy voice of Felix, the exact person he was thinking of.

Hyunjin quickly put on the rest of his suit before opening the door. Almost in sync, both Hyunjin and Felix let out a little gasp. Hyunjin's eyes went wide as he looked at Felix in that suit. "Felix I think that's the one."

Felix smiled brightly, "Same to you Hyunjin." Hyunjin had almost forgotten about the suit he was wearing and slowly turned around to look at it in the mirror.

Hyunjin quietly examined the suit, trying to focus on his outfit and not on Felix's, which had already been permanently burned in his mind.

Hyunjin watched carefully as Felix walked up beside him, gently leaning into his side. Hyunjin instantly wrapped his arm around Felix's waist as he stared at Felix in the mirror. "You look good baby."

Felix smiled before replying with, "No, we look good."

Hyunjin smiled at Felix in the mirror, a beat of silence going between them as they stared at each other. Finally, Felix pulled away from Hyunjin as he softly said, "Alright let's go pay. We only have 2 hours until we need to leave. We should probably go together in order to make them all believe we're actually together."

Felix softly walked back into his changing room, shutting the door as started to change back into his clothes.

Hyunjin stood there for a moment, staring at the spot Felix once stood. For a second there, he had completely forgotten that they weren't a real couple. But why did the fact make him feel so... weird?

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