Chapter Eighteen

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The first few days after Felix's party were hard. All he wanted to do was cry, but then he would get mad at himself for being sad, so then all he wanted to do was slap Hyunjin's stupidly perfect face.

But, after the first week, it got easier. He learned not to over analyze every little action and instead focused on his studies and his friends; who were both a bit neglected lately.

And now, two weeks later, Felix could officially say that he was no longer mad at Hyunjin. It wasn't Hyunjin's fault he simply didn't like Felix like that.

Felix was going to be stuck with Hyunjin for the next couple of months, so whether he wanted to or not, he was going to have to be Hyunjin's friend, and he was alright with that.

"Hey Felix! What are you up to?" Hyunjin said happily as he sat down beside Felix on the couch.

Felix glanced over at the boy beside him before responding, "Oh nothing, I was just texting Chan really quick. Why?"

"I was thinking maybe we could go get some lunch or something. I'm getting hungry." Hyunjin stood from the couch as he said this, clearly very impatient to get some food.

"Uhm, yeah, sure." Felix responded hesitantly. Getting lunch with your friend is fine, as long as said friend doesn't get too touchy like he always has in the past. Felix sighed softly, hoping that he would be able to stick up for himself.

Hyunjin smiled down at Felix before offering his hand for Felix to hold. "Ah, we don't have to do that. There won't be anyone around. And if there is, it isn't weird for a couple to not hold hands."

"Oh, yeah, I guess you're right." Hyunjin responded softly before putting his hands in his jacket pockets.

Yes! Point 1 Felix!

Felix smiled before leading them out of his apartment and down to the street. "I was thinking we could go to that little restaurant just down the street," Felix said hopefully.

"We can go wherever you want, Lix. I'll treat you today." Hyunjin responded casually, making Felix's stomach do a quick little flip.

Okay, point 1, Hyunjin.

Felix nodded his head, not really sure what to do. Luckily, Hyunjin spoke up before things got awkward.

"So, I've been meaning to ask..." Hyunjin said carefully, clearly nervous about something.

"Are you mad at me for kissing you?"

Felix's eyes went wide. He was not expecting that. Felix cleared his throat, trying to sound casual as he said, "No, I'm not mad at you. We were both drunk and dumb."

"Yeah, okay." Hyunjin said quietly. He bit his lip softly because there was something Felix didn't know. Hyunjin wasn't drunk that night. He only had the punch. He didn't have any alcohol that night.

"Look! We're here!" Felix cheerfully said, running over to the entrance. Hyunjin smiled softly at his friend's cute actions before following him through the doors.

Hyunjin quickly ran in front of Felix, pulling out a chair for the boy before signaling to the waiter to come over.

Felix bit his lip as he slowly sat down, not saying anything as Hyunjin helped him push in his chair.

He watched as Hyunjin sat down across from him, smiling up at the waiter as he ordered a drink. "And for you, sir?"

Felix looked up at the waiter once Hyunjins eyes met his own. "Oh, just a water, please," Felix responded softly.

The waiter smiled and walked away after handing them two menu's. The boys looked over their menu's in silence, neither of them saying anything.

All of a sudden, Felix felt a larger hand softly grab his free hand. Felix looked up at the boy across from him, but Hyunjin was acting as if nothing had happened.

Felix sighed slightly, allowing Hyunjin to hold his hand. "Do you know what you're getting?" Hyunjin asked suddenly, putting down his menu and putting both of his hands over Felix's free hand.

Felix gulped slightly, not knowing what to do. On one hand, he knew he should pull away in order to protect his feelings. But on the other hand, he loved how warm and soft Hyunjin's hands were on his.

"Ah, I think I'm going to get this soup." Felix said, removing his hand from Hyunjins and pointing at the menu.

Hyunjin's face slightly dropped as he noticed Felix's actions. "Hmm, yeah, that sounds good." He responded softly, letting a beat of silence go between them before continuing to speak.

"So Lix, I actually had a question for you." Hyunjin said with a small smile.

"Oh?" Felix asked, curious.

Hyunjin looked at Felix with hopeful eyes as he asked, "So next weekend there is going to be this huge event type of thing that my parents and I were invited to. I was wondering if you'd be my date?"

Felix choked on his drink as he loudly replied, "What?"

Hyunjin smiled sheepishly, "It's fine if you don't want to go. I just wanted to show you off a bit to my mom's nosey friends."

A bright red blush spread across Felix faces as he realized what Hyunjin had said. The Hwang Hyunjin wanted to show of him?

"I would love to go Hyunjin, just send me all the details and such." Felix responded calmly, casually freaking out on the inside.

After a few minutes, the pair could finally place their order, spending the rest of their meal catching up and making small talk.

On the outside, Felix was cool. But on the inside, he was freaking out. How could he spend the next couple of months with someone like Hyunjin and force himself to behave?

What the hell did he get himself into?

A/N: Hi everyone! I know it has been so long since I uploaded, but the last few weeks have been crazy! Now that I am on summer break, I hope to upload a bit more!

ALSO!! SKZ COMEBACK!!! I have been listening to all the songs on 5-Star on repeat all day. Can we just talk about how sweet Youtiful is, btw?? I'm literally getting so emotional listening to those lyrics.

I hope to update again sometime this weekend, so maybe keep an eye out!!


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