Chapter Three

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"Alright, I'll do it." Felix said with a slight smile on his face. "But! There are going to be rules."

Hyunjin leaped out of his chair to hug Felix tightly as he said, "Oh my gosh, thank you so much, Felix!"

Felix's face flushed red for a moment as he whispered."No problem..."

Hyunjin let go after a moment. A bright smile was spread across his face as he said, "Okay! What rules are you thinking?"

Felix thought for a moment before he started, "Well, definitely no kissing. No offense, but I want my first kiss to be someone special. Uhm, beside that-"

Hyunjin stopped Felix as he said "Woah woah woah, you haven't had your first kiss yet?"

Felix flushed in embarrassment that he just exposed himself "Uh no... But it's just because I want it to be with someone special and none of the guys I dated really made me want to kiss or whatever!-"

Once again Hyunjin cut off Felix with a soft smile as he said "Felix it's okay, I think it's actually kind of sweet." Felix awkwardly smiled, still slightly embarrassed but also feeling a little better about his decision.

"Uhm yeah so no kissing, uhm and then please just make sure to tell me at least a day before we have to go see your parents or anything!" Felix said sternly, looking at Hyunjin for any objections. Said boy just raised his hands in surrender as he spoke "Alright no kissing and be a decent human being, got it."

Felix nodded his head proudly before he said "Oh and by the way, we should probably start telling everybody we aren't dating."

Hyunjin laughed awkwardly. "So about that... We won't only have to convince my parents we are dating, but we're going to have to convince everyone. You know that whole they own the school and are super nosy thing..."

Felix sat there for a second processing wtf he just heard "What." Hyunjin started to speak but he couldn't get any words out as Felix kept talking "You're telling me you want me to convince all of my friends, teachers, strangers, and your fan girls that I am dating you..."

"... Yes..."

"Once this summer is over, I am going to kill you."

"That's fair."

After Felix wrapped his head around all the details that went into fake dating Hyunjin, the boys exchanged numbers and decided to meet up again later to discuss their backstory.

Felix grabbed his bag, putting his coat on as he said goodbye to Hyunjin "Well I'll see you later, Hyunjin." He said with a small smile.

"Yeah, see you later, babe." Hyunjin said with a smirk before running off.

"I am going to murder that boy..." mumbled Felix as he felt a smile build across his face. Lee Felix; the boy who got teased all of middle and high school for being gay, was now "dating" the popular rich guy... who would've thought.


Felix looked down at his phone, texting his older brother as he walked to class.

Felix: Sooo remember when I told you me and Hyunjin weren't dating? Yeah, I lied, I wanted to make sure he was okay with me telling people before I confirmed anything...

Chan: Really? Well, Felix, I trust you, just be careful, okay? His parents have power, so make sure you don't get on their bad side. I don't want some relationship to ruin your education.

Felix: I'll be careful, don't worry, Channie.

Felix loved his brother, but man, he was bad at lying. He knew that if Chan knew the truth, it would only be a matter of weeks before his fake relationship would be exposed. Felix walked calmly, ignoring all of the looks he was getting from random students he had never talked to before.

He was stopped in his tracks as a mean looking girl stood in front of him with her arms crossed. "Uhm, can I help you?" Felix asked nicely, hiding how annoyed he was.

"So you're Felix huh?" The girl sharply asked as a few people gathered around them.

"Yes, that's me. Can I help you?" He said sharply, slightly amused at how the girls face shifted in jealousy.

The girl relaxed her body with a smirk as she said, "You know what, I don't know why people would even think you were actually dating Hyunjin, I mean you aren't even that pretty!" A couple people, including the girl laughed at this statement.

However they all quickly stopped as Felix himself started laughing. The girl frowned as she snapped "What's so funny huh?"

Felix smiled brightly as he responded "Oh I just find it funny you think I'm going to care what you think, especially when you look like that."

Gasps and whispers were heard from the building crowd. The girl shrieked as she raised a hand to hit Felix, as she tried to smack him Felix grabbed her hand and stopped her. "You know jealousy just makes you even uglier." He said calmly as he let go of her hand roughly.

Suddenly Hyunjin pushed through the crowd as he yelled "What the hell is going on here?!" The girl immediately started crying as she whined "Hyunnie! He was being so rude to me! Tell him to go away! Didn't you hear about the rumor he started about you two!"

She ran over to Hyunjin and hugged him tightly only to be pushed off. Hyunjin walked over to Felix, standing in front of him as he gently asked Felix "What really happened?"

Felix blushed slightly at how close Hyunjin was standing before he softly said "She tried to hit me..."

Hyunjin grabbed Felix's hand and turned to face the girl as he harshly said "Ji-woo the next time you try to hit my boyfriend I'll have you expelled." The second Hyunjin claimed Felix as his boyfriend whispers started spreading through out the crowd.

"Oh my god are they really dating?"

"I thought it was just a rumor?"

"How long have they been together?"

And much more.

Ji-woo's eyes went wide as she screamed "He is not your boyfriend!" She started to cry as she continued to scream "You're lying! I know you still love me Hyunjin!"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes "No I don't Ji-woo, I'm with Felix now so get over it." It was clear that Hyunjin was mad as he stormed away from the crowd, leading Felix along with him. They walked in silence until they got to a more private hallway.

Hyunjin let go of Felix's hand as he leaned against a random locker and closed his eyes in frustration. "Sorry for causing problems..." Felix said softly, making sure not to anger Hyunjin even more.

Hyunjin's eyes shot open as he said "No no no you didn't do anything wrong! I'm just mad at Ji-woo." Hyunjin closed his eyes again, sighing as he did.

Felix thought for a moment before he said, "So... it seems like you guys have a past?"

Hyunjin let out a little laugh as he responded. "Oh yeah. Well, more like a future, that's the girl my parents were trying to make me marry."

Felix laughed lightly before sarcastically saying, "What?! You don't want to spend the rest of your life with her? I don't believe it."

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and smiled as he looked at Felix. "In all seriousness though, thank you for going with me on this. You are saving my sanity." Hyunjins face lit up as he continued to talk "Oh and by the way my parents want to meet you, they said the sooner, the better."

Felix nodded his head, suddenly feeling very nervous as he remembered what his brother Chan told him about ruining his education. "Well, I guess I could do tomorrow?"

Hyunjin smiled. "Sounds great, I'll pick you up at 5."

A/N: Please vote and comment :)

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