Chapter Fourteen

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"Why are you such a bitch?"

Ji-woo scoffed slightly, "Excuse me?"

Hyunjin smiled as he replied, "You heard me. Why are you such a bitch all the damn time?" Ji-woo opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by Hyunjin. "I mean, you weren't even invited to this party but you still decided to show up and act like a single person in this room even wants you here?"

Ji-woo glanced around at everyone else, placing her innocent smile on her face before she said, "Hyunjin, sweetie, I think you're just a bit drunk. Why don't I take you home, hmm?"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, as he started to respond, he felt a small hand on his arm. Felix had gripped Hyunjin's arm protectively, a firm frown on his face. "Actually," Felix started to say, gaining the attention of Ji-woo and everyone else in the room, "Hyunjin will be going home with me, his boyfriend. Now pack up your pity party and get the hell out, because you are seriously ruining my night."

Hyunjin smiled at Felix's calm, yet stern mannerisms. Ji-woo scoffed once more as she stood up, now screaming at Felix, "Whatever! You seriously think I'm going to listen to some loser like you? I bet Hyunjin doesn't even really like you! He's probably only using you to get around his parents!"

Now it was Hyunjin's turn to stand. Without saying a word, Hyunjin walked over to Ji-woo, grabbing her roughly by the arm as he walked towards the front door. Felix and the group of people followed closely behind, picking up random nosey people along the way.

Hyunjin threw open the door, throwing Ji-woo out as he angrily yelled, "Dont you dare talk about him that way! Just except the fact that I will never be with you and move on!"

And with that, Hyunjin slammed the door, an angered look still spread across his face as he looked at the people staring at him.

Hyunjin glanced around the crowd, his eyes landing on one person: Felix.

Carefully, he grabbed Felix's hand, pulling him away from the crowd and commotion.

Hyunjin led them out to Jeongins patio, where nobody else was. He flopped down in one of the chairs, sighing heavily.

"Sorry about her, Felix." Hyunjin mumbled, his eyes closed softly as he spoke.

Felix smiled before sitting down in the chair next to Hyunjin. "It's okay, I've gotten used to all her drama."

Hyunjin nodded slowly, a comfortable silence passing over the boys.

"You know," Felix started again, a small smile on his face, "I really appreciate what you said back there. You know, sticking up for me."

Hyunjin looked over at Felix with a smile, "Of course Lix. Besides, it's not like I was lying. We may not actually be dating, but I do care about you. She had no right to say those things about you."

Felix smiled gently as he stood up, offering a hand out to Hyunjin as he said, "Why don't we head home? It's been quite the night."

Hyunjin accepted Felix's hand, pulling himself up. Hyunjin slung his arm around Felix's neck, the alcohol clearly taking full effect over him now.

Felix carefully led Hyunjin back through the party and out the front door, placing Hyunjin down on the curb as he called an Uber.

Felix sat down beside Hyunjin once more, resting his head on Hyunjin's shoulder.

Hyunjin sighed, placing his head on top of Felix's as they waited. Neither of them said anything, accepting the calm silence.

After a few minutes, their Uber pulled up. However, Hyunjin was already asleep. Felix tried to wake him and ask what his apartment address was, but it was no use.

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