Chapter 5: That Way

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"Last Men are here."

Blonson couldn't believe it. They were found already?

"Last Men?"

"No time to explain. We gotta take care of them first."

"I'll get Curdis."

The boy ran to the other room while Gus sniffed the air. "There's more." He whispered.

"How many?" Jepperd asked.

"A lot. I can't smell in the rain."

Tommy motioned for him to hide, so Gus ran to the other room, where the gang awoke, not knowing what was going on.

"More bad guys?" Yung Penguin exclaimed softly.

Blonson nodded. "We gotta find some weapons in case Jepperd goes down."

"If he goes down?" M-Nastee whisper-shouted. "He's our one chance of survival!"

"We'll see about that."

Rusty got up and hid behind Charly. "What's going on?"

"We're being attacked." Lil Cornmuffin informed, putting a finger to his lips to silence the boy.

"What about my mom and dad?"

"They'll be fine." Charly reassured. "Don't worry, we'll be ok."

He seriously doubted that they would be ok.

Beverly looked across the room and turned back to her husband, George. "Don't say anything." She said sharply, making the man shiver. He knew the dangerous game he was starting by letting Gus and the other kids in. But this was another level of insane.

"Can I have your attention?" One of the men called from outside the building. "We're not here for you or your family. But we have reason to believe that you are harboring an animal child. Now, that gives us the right to come in. Under Abbot's code, we have the right to search your home."

Abbot's code? What could he mean by that? Some government thing? Whatever it was, it wasn't good.

"Or, you can surrender the Hybrid peacefully. And no one will get hurt."

"Gus, come here." Jeremy whispered, opening his arms.

But the boy shook his head. He was safer hiding.

"You have until the count of 3... to turn the child over."

No one budged.

"One... Two... Ok, then. Three!"

And just as they were about to break in, a clanging sound was heard, and one of the Last Men had fallen to the ground.

Charly's eyes widened. "How did he get out there?"

Tommy Jepperd continued to fight the men, swinging and punching, clearly showing his strength in his build. He flung one of them against the window, scaring Gus and making his heart race. He got up out of his hiding place and ran over to Je Fizzle, hugging him tight. "Curdis, you got this?"

Yung Penguin nodded. "Matt and I can fight. Let's go."

The boys picked up a dagger and a rifle from the shelf that the adults clearly hadn't used in a while and stepped out of the room just as the door opened.

"Quick, hide!"

A man entered, cocking a gun. "Come here, little freak." He grunted.

From what Curdis could tell, these didn't seem like just government agents. They were hunters, in camouflage and protective gear. These were dangerous people. And the amount of anger that burned against the Hybrids, there seemed to be more there. This was turning into more than just a trip across the state for break.

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