Chapter 12: Sneak Diss

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But he had no idea how interesting the rest of his time at Sunny Day Excursions was going to be.

Buck stood over the bleeding coyote, dead on the cliff where Paige and her boyfriend Luke had sat under right before she screamed.

Yung Penguin stood behind the trees with Emily and Blonson.

"Woah... Who killed that deer?" Blonson whispered.

Sunny walked up as Buck observed the animal.

"Well, it looks like it got mauled and ran till it collapsed, or sometimes predators run their... prey right off a cliff."

The woman turned around to face Paige and Luke, who were visibly upset.

"Just nature." Sunny reassured. "Cycle of life."

Paige breathed heavily. "You were right. We should have gone anywhere but here. I wanna leave now."

Sunny pouted a bit. "Oh, come on, honey. Give it another chance. You're not scared by this, are ya?"

"Look, maybe she's right. I mean, I gotta say, this is way more exciting than sitting by the pool getting drunk."

Emily looked over at the two rappers. "They were arguing earlier." She explained quietly.

Paige's eyes went wide. "Are you serious?"

"Well, yeah. I mean, think about it. There's blood on your hands. There's a dead coyote. It's the woods. It's gonna be such a good story when we go home. Please?"

The shivering girlfriend rolled her eyes. "Fine."

Sunny nodded, smiling and making Paige even more unsettled.

Yung Penguin turned to his friends. "What is going on?"

Blonson put his hand on Curdis' shoulder and motioned for him to come back to the campsite. "Let's get out of here!"

The kids ran back over to their tent, evading Sunny and Buck's presence. Emily turned to her new friends. "I, uh... I'll see you tommorrow." She rushed back to her tent while Curdis and Blonson shrugged and went back to their own.

Matt was on the floor, setting up his sleeping situation as his friends busted in, startling him.

"Aah! Guys, what are you doing?"

"Shhh!" Blonson hissed, getting down on M-Nastee's level. "We don't wanna alert Sunny and Buck."

Matt raised an eyebrow. "Those guys? What, is it about that scream earlier?"

Curdis nodded. "Yeah, and Blonson and I went to investigate."

"And Emily." Blonson added.

The boy perked up. "Wait, Emily? Ohhhhhh-"

"Nah, nah, nothing like that! Listen," Yung Penguin started, his voice getting to a whisper. "Something's up with those guys."

"Emily and Avery?"

"No! Ugh, listen... Sunny and Buck. They seem a little... Off."

Blonson nodded in agreement. "Yeah, they were spying on Emily earlier today, and didn't even look into the fact that a coyote was killed at the top of a cliff, bleeding."

"Buck said it could be a bear or something, but that's not what it looked like."

Matt chuckled. "Guys, slow down. We're not even gonna be here that long."

"What if we don't have a choice?"

The boy furrowed his eyes, confused. "What do you mean?"

Curdis sighed. "I don't know. It's late, I'm tired. I'll try to explain more in the morning."

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