Chapter 17: Fluppy Blarms

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"She's dead... I killed her."

Beau sat back in his chair. "Alright. There's the confession."

"Wait." Cooper interjected, holding his hand up. "What about the backpacker? Mark Woodman?" The two of them had gotten the name earlier and the parents of the man. Beau had told them that he had fell, but of course, they had their doubts.

"We found the figurine you put in his pocket before you left him- and Paige... in your cabin. Now, Mark's the backpacker we found. What bothers me is why you moved his body. And I know you did."

"Did someone tell you to move him?" Beau added.

The man they called Toby put his head down, not saying anything.

"You know, Mark's parents are in a lot of pain, and they just wanna know what happened."

"I didn't kill him."

Agent Cooper lifted his head up. "But you killed Paige."

Toby struggled in his handcuffs then calmed down. "People always think the worst of me."

Cooper leaned in. "You moved his body... and you left one of your figurines for us to find. Tell me about the figurines."

The man sighed. "They were meant for protection for what happens when they pass over, that they... they have a friend with them."

Beau raised an eyebrow. "I guess... I'm a little confused as well." He held up a picture of a figurine that was found in his cabin. "Is this one of Paige? Why do you still have it? And if these are for protecting people, why did you just confess to murdering her?"

It seemed that there was more mystery to solve than what met the eye in that moment.

All the while, Emily sat next to Gus, still bewildered by what she was seeing there. "They were right." She muttered. "You're really not scary at all. I don't know what everyone is so worried about. I know my mom would be super scared, she freaks out about everything."

Gus laughed a little as Emily tickled his ear gently.

"So what are we gonna do about him?" She asked, the boys not really sure how to answer that question.

"Hide him here, I guess." Curdis spoke his. "Until this investigation blows over, there's not really much we can do here. Did Luke tell you anything else?"

Emily shrugged. "Now that you think about it, I haven't really seen Luke since I talked to him earlier this morning. Or Mary."

"Mary? Who's Mary?" Asked Charly.

The girl rolled her eyes. "You guys never pay attention. She's another camper that Luke kinda hit it off with after Paige went missing. Remember? By the archery?"

"Ohhhhhh." Everyone collectively said, their memory kinda having trouble getting jogged with all that was happening around the camp, Gus included.

"I guess I missed a lot." The Hybrid jumped in with a grin.

"Hey, we missed a lot too." Blonson reminded. "And we still haven't properly yelled at you for running away."

"We can't really yell right now." Lil Cornmuffin said with a whisper.

"Yeah, you're right. But still, Gus should learn from us. I mean, we never run away like that.... oh. Nevermind."

"I know. I'm sorry. It's just... really hard for me."

"The kid's got a point." M-Nastee said. "He went through a lot to get here. And without getting caught."

"Did you see any Last Men on your way over here?"

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