Chapter 16: 100

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Maybe there was some hope to make this break end a little better after all.

A couple days ago

Gus, Bear and Jepperd walked alongside the train tracks, towards their destination. It wasn't clear what the outcome of this trip was going to be, but after a while of staying put, it was time to, as Jepperd put it, slowly continue their journey.

They trailed closer to the woods as to not attract attention, but for the most part, they were safe.

"It looks ok so far." Gus noticed.

"Yeah, so far." Jepperd replied, a little pessimistic.

"Relax, Jepperd." Bear said. "We've come this far. And you've got some fight left in you. We can do this."

Tommy looked over at the girl. "Of course I have fight in me. I used to play football for a living."

"Oh, and you think I don't?"

"Guys..." Gus reminded, looking up expectantly at the two. "We're a team. No fighting each other."

Bear chuckled. "I mean... it was pretty cool what you did back there."

Jepperd smiled, knowing she wasn't all that bad, even if she could get annoying at times. "Thanks. You... did help too."

"See? You can be friends." Gus added with a grin. Just then, his eyes widened. "Hey, guys! Look!"

"What is it?" The Big Man asked.

"I spy with my little eye, something that begins with the letter E!"

They walked up the hill in front of them to find a sign directing them where they needed to go. Essex County.

"GoGro, here we come!"

And so began the journey into the town. Luckily for them, there actually weren't any Last Men guarding the place, because, well... for the most part, it looked abandoned.

Bear and Jepperd were pretty confident that Birdie wasn't going to be in the town, but with the sign for The Preserve pointing them here, they knew at least someone had to be there.

So Gus ate his candy, sharing it with his friends and skipping along the paths and roads until they arrived at another shelter where they hunkered down in the shade for a while.

The Hybrid looked through his binoculars, soaking in the brand new feeling of being in a town he didn't recognize, standing in an unfamiliar environment. Before he met Curdis and his new friends, all he knew was woods. But now... he could enjoy so much more than that.

Bear sat down and licked the chocolate off her fingers. "I never thought I'd say this, but... I don't think I can eat one more piece."

Gus turned around excitedly. "I'll eat it!" He chirped.

She handed him the wrapper, Jepperd giving the boy an annoyed look.

"No more after that." He said. "Your teeth will fall out. How many have you had?"

Gus started to count on his fingers. "1, 2, 3, 4-"

"I'm capping you at 6."

"You'll have to catch me first!"


"He beats you in a race every time." Bear pointed out.

"I let him every time."

"Sure you do."

"Maybe my mom will have food at her place." Gus said with a grin. "And I know I shouldn't ask, but... Are we close?"

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