Chapter 18: Slide

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There was no way they could breeze past this now.

The first thing Emily found out from her dad, according to Sunny and Buck was that Luke had been shot with an arrow in the neck down by the Chimney Rocks, and Mary was found by Buck in the woods, reportedly stabbed in the heart. Now there was no doubt that these deaths were murders.

And balancing this stressful situation and the secret of Gus at the same time was very hard for the podcast-loving girl. Not to mention gossiping all of this information to Yung Penguin and his crew. It seemed like the minute they climbed into the van with her and Avery, things got crazier and crazier. But none of it was their fault, obviously. So why wouldn't she trust them with this?

Therefore, if she could trust them, and she knew her dad was trustworthy...

"I think it's time to tell my dad and Agent Cooper about Gus."

"No!" Everyone said back simultaneously.

"Oh, come on." She protested. "They're gonna find out anyway, and with General Abbot already coming here knowing he was around here-"

"But he didn't find him." Lil Cornmuffin argued.

"He'll be back! He said so himself."

"And what if he thinks Gus is dangerous?" M-Nastee asked.

"I overheard him, he doesn't support the Last Men at all."

"He definitely said that?"

"Yeah, he did! We have to tell him."

"And what about Cooper?" Curdis added.

"You've met him, he's super nice."

"So, what? We just slide it by him today, like, 'Sheriff Beau, we actually do have a Hybrid with us and we've been hiding him this whole time?'"

Gus was watching this conversation, still under the bed and more confused than ever.

Blonson bent down and looked the kid in the eyes. "We're not gonna let that bad guy have you, ok? He probably wants to do experiments on you or something."

"I don't think that's gonna make him feel any better." Je Fizzle remarked.

"Ok, what do you want me to say? He's gonna take him and give him candy?"

"That could be taken literally any way, and none of them are good."

"I want candy!" Gus shouted out, making everyone shush him.

"Everyone just chill out." Curdis interjected. "We gotta let them deal with the dead people first. They have to solve these murders before we can even say anything."

"And how long do you think that's gonna take?"

Steve stood up. "Alright, let's put a pause on all the arguing right now. You guys are acting like Tim Thomas right now."

"Hey, don't you talk about Tim Thomas like that!" Matt stepped in.

"Who's Tim Thomas?" Emily asked, unsure what could possibly be said next.


At this point, she looked over at Charly Brown Raps, who just sat in his chair, shaking his head while the bickering continued. He looked down at Gus and put a finger to his lips, even though the temptation to stop the fighting was pretty big.

It wasn't until the sound of the tent flap opening that the kids stopped yelling.

Agent Cooper poked his head in, an eyebrow raised. "We can hear you from all over. What's the problem?"

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