Chapter 14: Trap Ballad Gangster

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This was going to take an explanation.

Emily's jaw dropped.

Luke stared at the group, not really knowing what to do. He had a cut on his head as well, indicating that a fight had probably broken out between him and someone else. But the only person he was known to be with was Paige. Had he killed her?

These were just a few of the thoughts that raced through Curdis' head as he watched the boy cautiously.

"Emily... hey!"

"Stop!" The girl yelled, pulling out her knife. "Don't come any closer!"

Luke nodded and began to head up the hill.

"Run!" Charly shouted, the rest of the boys close behind him and Emily.

"Come back!" Luke protested. "Wait! I just want to talk!"

This whole time, the campers had been looking for Luke and his girl, but now it seemed that this business Curdis and his friends had gotten into was just as shady as the adventure they ran away from. No matter where they went, chaos was around the corner.

Steve pointed to a figure in the distance. "Look! There's Cormac!"

The crew ran over to the man with shoulder-length hair and stopped him immediately. This couldn't wait. Emily was screaming, and although Curdis wished to avoid that, it was enough to attract Cormac's attention.

"Easy, easy." He said. "You're ok. What happened?"

"It was Luke." Jeremy spoke up. "He's right behind us. We saw blood."

"Ok, slow down. I got ya. You're gonna be ok."

"Hey, guys." Luke caught up to everyone, stopping when he saw Cormac.

"Easy, cowboy."

"Stay away from me!" Emily shouted.

"I was just trying to find my way back to camp. I-I fell and cut my head."

"Where's Paige?" Matt demanded.

"I don't know."

"She's not with you?" Cormac asked.


Luke winced, the man eyeing his wounds suspiciously. "You need to see about those cuts, then we can figure this out. Let's go."


He walked ahead of the group, Curdis putting his hand on Emily's shoulder to comfort her. "It's ok. I'm right here with you."

Blonson looked to the pair, feeling now more than ever that something could be going on between the two of them, or at least Curdis.

But Yung Penguin wasn't really thinking about that at this moment. His writing for Sad Boy Penguin and Future Legend 2 were in production, but so was his personal investigation into what the heck could possibly be going on at this camp. It looked safe enough when they arrived, but after a couple nights there, he learned that anywhere could be dangerous.

Avery was standing around with Sunny, Buck and some other campers when the lost kids approached them. He ran up to Emily, hugging her tight.

"We've been worried sick!" Sunny scolded to her son.

"I mean, we weren't gone for that long." Blonson muttered with a shrug.

"Are you ok?"

"We need a first aid kit." Cormac started.

"First aid kid, pretty please." Sunny ordered. "Where's Paige?"

"I don't know." Luke said again.

"What the hell ya mean, you don't know?" Buck shot back, his hands on his hips.

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