Chapter 20: Still Future Legend?

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Yung Penguin was going to prove them wrong.

The two sides stood across from each other. The Last Men and the Hybrid supporters.

Charly Brown Raps' jaw dropped. "He is a bigger bearded Reinhart!"

Lil Cornmuffin sighed. "Why does every bad guy have to be bald?"

General Abbot glared at the boys. "I'm not the bad guy here. That Hybrid is."

"Oh really?" Curdis replied. "The harmless kid over a bunch of dudes with guns? You're joking."

"I'm afraid not. You're all fools for having protected him."

Sheriff Beau began to walk up to the man with a grimace. "I'm sorry, but I don't think you heard me right the first time. This isn't your property!"

"It isn't, now? It looks to me like you just arrested the only owners of the place."

"Not all of them." Cormac stood next to the sheriff, wearing an angry look. "I'm Cormac Barnes, and this is my campground. I'm asking you kindly to get out of here."

"Not without the Hybrid."

"His name is Gus!" Charly shouted. "And he's not going anywhere with you."

"And what will you do about that?"

"We'll stand here and fight you if we have to."

M-Nastee smiled, seeing the boy finally have a true brave moment for the first time.

Gus stood behind Blonson with his shotgun, looking over at Beau, who was firm in his stance.

"Yeah!" Emily replied, stepping up next to her dad. "He's just as human as the rest of us! Besides his antlers and big ears, he's no different. You just treat him differently because you're scared of something that doesn't look exactly like you. I came here with my stepdad and my mom to camp, and there's been too many crazy things that's happened this week. So, please go away and let us go home."

Carla would have normally protested when her daughter lashed out like this, but as Avery looked on from his tent, they're eyes met each other and sent the message that Emily would be ok this time.

But General Abbot took his shades off and smiled at the girl. "A smart one, eh? But you don't know as much about these things as I do. This boy is dangerous, and deserves to be with the other ones."

Gus' eyes widened. Other ones? Had Abbot captured more kids like him? And what did he do to them when he had them in his clutches.

"You mean like Pete?" Blonson asked, reminding his friends about the kid who somehow fooled everyone else at their high school.

Douglas laughed. "The rabbit? Oh yes, he's proved useful."

Curdis turned to Matt, giving the boy a worried glance. What could that mean?

"Enough talk!" Beau interrupted, showing off his badge one last time. "I have authority here, alongside Agent Cooper and Director Cole here. And you're trespassing. I don't care what government power you're holding, but locking up these children is wrong, no matter who or what they are. When we're through with you, you're gonna give all them up. You hear me?"

General Abbot laughed out loud. "Your badge doesn't scare me. We're armed and we will take the Hybrid with us. And if you don't comply..."

The Last Men raised their weapons.

"We'll have to use force."

Je Fizzle's mouth gaped open. "Holy sh**, it's a boss battle!"

M-Nastee rolled his eyes. "Are you seriously making this into a video game right now?"

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