Chapter 11: Haters2Fans

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The features were in.

"Woah. That was quick."

Yung Penguin chuckled. "It was an easy album."

"So what now?" Lil Cornmuffin asked inquisitively.

"Well, after I upload the album, we'll be good for a bit."

"But we need an anthem!" Charly reminded, losing his balance a little on the bumpy road.

Curdis nodded. "Yeah, you're right. Let me think about it. We'll come up with something."

"So you're a musician?"

Emily stepped into the back area, clearly eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Yup. The name's Yung Penguin. I'm a rapper."

The girl smiled. "That's a pretty unique name. Who were you running from?"

The teen paused, exhaling. "Man, you just love to ask the questions, huh?"

"She probably wants to know if we're a threat." Said Jeremy.

M-Nastee rolled his eyes. "Why would she have let us on if we were a threat?"

Emily put her hands up. "I'm just curious. We don't usually pick up hitchhikers."

"And we don't usually go with strangers in a van." Blonson interjected.

"Relax." She protested. "What am I supposed to say? You just kinda showed up behind our van."

"Well, Charly gave this hotel manager his fake watch and we got chased for it." Steve admitted. "But rebellious is all we are, really."

"And super fun." Je Fizzle added.

"So what are your real names?" Emily asked, smirking. "I gotta call you something."

"Curdis, Blonson, Matt, Charly, Steve and Jeremy." Blonson rattled off the names pretty quickly, leaving the rest of the group surprised.

"Uhhh, why would you just give away our names like that?" Matt argued.

"She's a kid too!" The rapper argued. "Probably just a little older than us."

"I'm 16." She shot back playfully.

"Ok, so still young."

Curdis rolled his eyes. "Whatever. We're probably close to camp anyway."

Emily peeked her head through the door to where her stepfather was. "How much longer?"

"10 minutes."

"Super close." Steve butted in.

"Guys, focus!" Charly chirped up, everyone turning their heads to him. "How do we make an anthem?"

Curdis sighed. "I just finished an album..."

"His last song was 'Angry'." Lil Cornmuffin mentioned. "He was mad at the haters, but what if the haters became fans?"

"Turning the haters into fans..." Blonson muttered. "I like that."

Curdis hummed to himself for a second. "Actually.... that's not bad. Haters into fans..... Haters2Fans!"

Everyone cheered minus Emily, who still wasn't exactly sure how this worked.

"But let's not rush it." Yung Penguin reminded. "If this is an anthem, I gotta think on the lyrics."

Emily snorted a little. "Do you guys think of song ideas this quick all the time?"

"Hey, don't diss our method!" Blonson shot back.

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