Chapter 9: Litty

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There was only one way to find out.

"Gus! Wake up!"

"Are you ok, bud?"

"Get me out of this thing."

The Hybrid opened his eyes slowly, blinking a few times. Jepperd, Bear and the rest of his young friends sat on their knees, looking down at him, worriedly.

"Could you have gone any slower?" Bear scolded, annoyed.

"I didn't see you carrying him." Jepperd replied with a scoff.

"I can barely see anything."

"Would you rather we die from toxic flowers?"

"I'm not afraid." Gus whispered.

Curdis saw this and tried to get the guys' attention, but they were too busy bickering to see that their friend was now fully conscious.

"It's ok, Gus. I got you." Blonson coaxed, helping the boy up.

"You wanted to wear the helmet."

"You wanted to wear the parachute."


Jepp and Bear looked up in slight surprise.

"Make a fist."

The two looked at each other, rolling their eyes.

"Now bump 'em."

M-Nastee chuckled, admiring Gus' innocence.

"C'mon, guys. Ya better do what he says." Curdis snickered at the rivalry.

They reluctantly fist-bumped, satisfying Gus.

"Now, let's go."

And just like that, Gus ran off in the direction of the train, his friends following close behind. Jepperd and Bear were hesitant in getting up, but they knew they had to comply.

Charly, Jeremy and Steve were a little confused about where they were going, but they trusted their friends to help guide them. And the rivals had to come together to help their Hybrid friend.

Before they knew it, they were running full speed.

"How are we gonna get tickets this time?" Gus shouted out.

"You're not gonna need 'em." Yung Penguin replied loudly, trying to keep up.

"What about my hat?"

"Just keep running!"

"But won't people try to kill me?"

They got closer and closer to the train tracks, currently without a train. They were just early enough. But Curdis soon began to think about Gus. He had to let him go.

"Gus! Wait!" He yelled, running faster.

Curdis caught up to the Hybrid and grabbed him by the shoulders. "Gus! Stop!"

Everyone stopped running, watching the rapper's pained expression. "I can't go with you."

Gus looked up at his friend, his ears drooping. "Oh.... right."

The teen frowned sadly. "You forgot about that, didn't you?"

The boy hung his head. "I thought... we would have more time."

Curdis bent down to Gus' height. "Remember when I found you in my shed? We only have so much time before we have to get back home. I can't have the Last Men searching for me and my friends too."

Tears began to form in the boy's eyes. "I'm sorry, Gus. I made you go with me."

Yung Penguin got misty eyed too, shaking his head. "No, buddy. We chose to come. And if we hadn't, you probably would have been captured, or worse. You have Jepperd... and Bear. You'll be ok. And when you're safe... call this number."

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