Chapter 10: Penguin and Blonson on the Beat

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The boy only had one response... "I love it."

Everyone cheered, excited for the next project to begin. "I'm gonna be on this one, right?" Blonson asked with a grin.

"Oh, yeah." Curdis replied. "We can start working on our track soon! And before you know it, all of us will be rapping!"

Charly frowned. "I don't know. I don't think I'll be very good."

M-Nastee laughed, patting his back. "Relax, man. You'll do great. Even I can come up with some bars. 'Yeah... I don't care what you say..... whip, nae nae!'"

Yung Penguin's eyes went wide. "Bro.... THAT WAS AMAZING!"

Lil Cornmuffin chuckled, shaking his head. "That was definitely a bar, I guess."

"See, it's not that hard." Matt reassured. "We're all about having fun, right?"

"Exactly!" Blonson chimed in. "Curd, you gotta put that line in our track. And give Matt credit for it, of course."

"My first writing credit! This is awesome!"

"Can I shout out my cousin Donny Bool too?" Blonson asked with a grin.

"Yeah, definitely! But first.... we gotta find civilization."

Everyone stopped, remembering that they were only following the train tracks. They had to find their way to The Market first. But they couldn't be too far, they went from the Animal Army headquarters to the purple flowers in just an hour or so. They were definitely close enough.

And so they trekked on, the whole time thinking about how to craft this new song between Yung Penguin and Blonson Raps.

"I got a great idea!" Je Fizzle jumped in. "You gotta sample the Clarence theme song! 'Cuz you know, Matt said, 'I don't care what you say' like that song..."

Blonson's eyes lit up. "You can put a fire beat over it too!"

"And speed it up a bit!" Steve added.

"These are all amazing ideas, and I'm writing them in my notepad right now."

And within the next 20-30 minutes, Yung Penguin and Blonson Raps had a chorus down.

Ayy, gotta ball like I'm Clarence (Blonson)
Ayy, ball hard, don't tell your parents (Blonson on the beat)

Cause we staying up past 8

Yeah, when me and Blonson Raps are on a track, it's great (Donny Boooool)

Ay, my number ain't 8

Ay, this beat I just ateAy, my life is so greatAy, I know how to skate

Charly Brown Raps rolled his eyes. "You guys are just writing down random rhymes."

"Yeah, but they work!" Blonson argued. "You just gotta have fun with it."

"They're literally sampling Clarence." Jeremy pointed out. "Gotta bring something different to rap, right?"

The teen nodded, getting a little bit of an understanding of where they were coming from. "I guess you're right."

Lil Cornmuffin chuckled. "Yeah, next thing you know, Charly's gonna introduce his songs with 'Yo, Snoopy!'"

"And you're gonna start with 'It's Muffin Time.'" Charly shot back playfully, getting laughs from the group.

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