Chapter 19: Prove Them Wrong

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"Buck Barnes has gotta be our killer."

Yung Penguin's eyes went wide. What an unexpected twist at the end of a journey that seemed like it had lasted a month. Although it seemed to be true, Curdis Plumpkin couldn't believe it.


"Shhhh!" M-Nastee hissed, covering the rapper's mouth.

Beau looked up. "What was that?"

Cooper shook his head. "The boys are eavesdropping on us."

"Gus, get down!" Said Blonson, pushing the Hybrid below the log they were hiding behind.

Gordon Cole stepped outside the shelter. "Even I heard that! You can come on out, boys!"

Agent Cooper stood beside Gordon, watching as Curdis stood up, motioning for Gus to stay down.

"Sorry, Agent Cooper." Charly blurted out. "We could hear your friend from a long ways away. We were curious!"

"This is some serious business, sonny!" Gordon replied loudly.

"You are pretty loud." Cooper reminded.

"Be that as it may, there is a difference between overhearing and listening in!"

"I know! And we're sorry!" Curdis jumped in. "But... we have something to tell you. We've been keeping something from you."

Beau furrowed his eyebrows. "About the murders?"

Yung Penguin shook his head. "Before that. There's something I'm about to show you, and you can't freak out. Ok?"

Agent Cooper looked over at the sheriff, who was looking both confused and intrigued. "We won't freak out. Right, Cooper?"

"Gordon and I have seen some pretty strange things in the past couple of weeks. Ain't that the truth?"

"He's right about that!"

Cooper looked Curdis in the eyes. "You can trust us. But if you've been keeping something from the FBI, it might get serious for you."

Curdis looked over at his friends, who reluctantly nodded, Gus looking up with innocent eyes.

The boy motioned for him to reveal himself, and what happened next not only shocked the men, but left them speechless.

None of them had ever seen a Hybrid before, and now the confrontation from General Abbot and the Last Men made so much more sense now.

Gus rose up to stand in everyone's presence, looking more nervous than ever before.

But looking into Beau's eyes seemed to comfort him in the chaos that was this life. The Sheriff was known to be against the Last Men, and seeing a real Hybrid right in front of him was a very humbling experience.

"He's... A kid." He muttered softly.

"General Abbot was after him?" Agent Cooper added.

"Coop, what am I looking at?!" Gordon shouted. "Is this one of those animal kids I've been hearing about?"

"He's a Hybrid." Je Fizzle spoke up. "And his name is Gus."

"And he can talk too." Steve chimed in, Matt raising his eyebrows and wondering why they were the first ones to defend the boy.

"Gus, it's ok." Blonson whispered. "You can talk to them. They're nice."


"Did he just speak, Coop?" Gordon asked, still rather loudly.

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